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Sunday 7 August 2016

Part 2 Interview With Aishat Akande


Sururah: What do you think its one of the challenges Muslims are facing today in the world.
Aisha Akande: People mistaking Islam with violence and terrorism
Sururah: How can we correct that
Aisha Akande: By going back to the rudiments of Islam, I mean practicing Islam like our Prophet  (SAW )  practiced it
Aisha Akande: Islam teaches us to be kind, loving and gentle, Even towards the non muslims
Aisha Akande: We can only correct it with our actions and I believe that Almighty Allah will crown the Ummah's effort with success, We should also learn to use the media to our advantage as it is the most powerful tool available now, it can either make or  mar our reputation
Sururah: Sis Aisha, what has Islam taught you...
Aisha Akande: One basic thing, no matter how fast you run in this world,  you can never run faster than what has been decreed for you.  If you want more, Worship Allah more, and you will have more.
Sururah: Beautiful piece
Sururah: How do you talk to your creator
Aisha Akande: I don't talk to him
Aisha Akande: I converse with him
Aisha Akande: Like I can see him, like he is with me
Aisha Akande: In the permissible ways the prophet  ( SAW ) taught us
Aisha Akande: Allah said he is closer to us than our jugular vein
Aisha Akande: So I believe he is right where I am and I converse with him and ask him for directions and guidance even in the littlest of things.
Sururah: A quote that defines you
Aisha Akande: My Impact will never go blue but ever green
Aisha Akande: And a favourite one
Aisha Akande: 'Great people are ordinary people with extraordinary determination'
Aisha Akande: Practice Islam as it was revealed,  don't add or remove.                                                         
Aisha Akande: Islam is a complete religion
surura: What have you learnt from deen talks Nigeria so far
Aisha Akande: Ohhh, I have learnt so much about my deen, It's also a platform where you can get correct answers to whatever you are not clear about as regards the deen based on Quran and Hadith, A place full of Islamic Gurus
Sururah: Where Do You Expect to see the platform in the future
Aisha Akande: I expect to see it all around the world, bigger than this
Aisha Akande: With people from all over d world sharing ideas and opinions on how to move the deen forward
Sururah: Advice on how to be a better platform for everyone
Aisha Akande: I know people in the platform are different  with varying levels of Taqwa.  We should try to encourage the ones we perceive as being on lower levels, encourage with love and kindness instead of making the deen sound difficult
Aisha Akande: Islam is not a  difficult religion,  let's make the platform friendly for people with varying levels of faith
Aisha Akande: Then, we can help ourselves steadily up the ladder without fatigue.                                                            Sururah: Good, Jazakumllahu Khairan and thanks for your time and patience,
Aisha Akande: Alhamdulilah , wa antum fa jazakumllahu khairahn


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