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Friday 19 August 2016

Never Stop Making Tawbah



One night Muhammad ibn al Munkadir was crying so violently that his family got extremely worried and
called the great scholar Abu Hazim to calm him down.
Abu Hazim asked him 'my brother what has made you cry so much, and you have made your family
worry about you?'
Muhammad replied 'I read an ayah in the book of Allaah and it brought me to these tears' he was then
asked what the ayah was. Muhammad responded, 'it is the statement in which Allaah says "And there
will appear to them from Allaah, that which they had not taken in to account.''
Upon hearing this ayah, Abu Hazim became so emotional that even he started crying.
Think of standing before Allaah swt on the day of judgment thinking I have done da'awah, and prayed and
read Qur'aan that there will be no major sins on my scale on the day of judgment, .....and then suddenly
sins appear that I had not even taken in to account.
What if I sinned but shaytoon made me forget to make taubah...? or what if i committed a sin for which
my taubah was not accepted?
What if i hurt someones' feelings and didn't know but they held it against me?
What if I teach someone an evil thing & they went ahead teaching others! Alloohu Akbar!
I ask al-Afuw (the one who erases sins) to not just cover my sins but erase them and wipe the slate
WaLloohi I think good of Allaah, but i am scared and so should you on the basis of a dream that the uncle
of the Prophet (SollaLloohu 'alayhi wa sallam) had;
Abbaas states 'I had not seen a person better than 'Umar, he spent his nights praying, his days fasting
and fulfilling the needs of people.
When he died I asked Allaah to show him to me in a dream. Allaah showed him to me, I saw him walking
through Madinah. I asked him "what did you find after death?" and 'Umar replied "i have just finished
being questioned, my throne (position as a ruler) almost caused me to fall, except that I found a
Merciful Lord"
Even the son of 'Umar , AbduLlaah ibn 'Umar saw his father in a dream and asked him how long his
questioning had lasted in the grave, and 'Umar responded 'it has just finished and when he woke he
realized it had been 12 years since the death of 'Umar!
Bear in mind this is 'Umar we are talking about, the man that the Prophet said would be a
Prophet, if there was to be a Prophet after him, the man that the shaytoon was scared of and would run
across the street if he saw him, the man that opened up more territory for the Muslims under his rule
than any other! And he was not spared from questioning... 12 yearrrrrrs in the grave!
Make taubah now, in the 3rd part of the night, ask Allaah to forgive you for your sins and to not hold you
accountable for that which you have not taken in to account for He is the best of those who are merciful.
BarakAllaahu fih


  1. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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