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Tuesday 29 December 2015

2015 Achievements By Yussuf Saka


Year 2015 has been an amazing year for me, my work, my deen and my life generally.        2015 started in the lab preparing for the final phase of my MSc thesis.
There was a tremendous improvement in my deen also as I made an unprecedented effort in drawing closer to Allah most especially following the sunnah as best as I could.           The improvement in my deen can be attributed largely and majorly to Deen talks Nigeria WhatsApp group. I began my 2015 somewhat a little bit distant from the deen as majority of my friends at work and in school are non Muslims (there was only a Muslim in my set during my programme) and I had to struggle a lot in my solats, tahajjud, fasting and charity.          Moreover I shuttle from Lagos to Ibadan on a weekly basis and I was always on a journey ,all these made me distant from family and friends but as the Almighty Allah will have it, he brought me back to the right path when I reunited with my old friends one of them being the admin of Deen Talks Nigeria.                                               Since then I've had to download series of lectures, learn more Hadiths, Islamic teachings, got so many Muslim friends (though still very few), perform my solats (still not contented with my performance though). I still pray for guidance and timely performance of my salat InSha Allah.                                                             As 2015 is winding down, I'm closer to the family and I try my best in educating my sisters, friends and colleagues on the benefits and importance of Islam.      Yusuf Saka                       Jazakallahu khairan to Deen talks Nigeria.

Monday 28 December 2015

Jimoh Qudus Olawale , 2015 achievements


My Achievements in 2015.                                      By Jimoh Qudus Olawale.                                              I came into d university as a practicing muslim, along d line, i noticed my solat is not well fed, i tried to overcome the situation by all means, but , i don't have anyone to motivate me, all my friends are Christians..  all of a sudden, everything was going on well for me both in academics and life in general.  I sat down to talk to Allah that he keeps blessing me despite my irresponsibilty of not performing my duties.. so i prayed and ask for forgiveness.. after sometime, i was still adamant not doing the right things.                                                                          Not until when i met two muslim ladies, who accepted me as their friend, firstly what I had in mind was to have an affair with  one of them, because i appreciate the way they both dress and behave with people without compromising the fact that they are Muslims and Islam is beautiful, ..just an epitome of islam ladies, which have loved to have around, i think they noticed am not serious with my solat, so they encouraged me to pray, call me when its time for solat and many more, to the extent that I had no option than to take them as sisters of the deen and part of me..                                     My brothers nd Sisters, ever since then i started praying very well, keen to all my duties to islam and appreciate Allah more in my life.. So my life change totally.. And Allah's blessings keep raining in my life.. even at my place of work, i make sure I don't miss my solat.. using this medium to Thank Almighty Allah for his mercy on me nd to the bossom nd wonderful Sisters he sent to me..(Surura nd Rofiat).. #To the ladies, please dress in a way that Allah want you to look because you are precious,  i know there are lot of  people who are willing to change, but nobody to  encourage them...May Allah guide us all to the right path and make Jannah our abode, amin, Thanks once again..🙏 Jazakumllahu khairahn ...2015 is a good year for me..😀

My Achievements in 2015, By Rofeehat Adeola Adeyanju


My Achievements in 2015 , By Rofiat Adeola Adeyanju,                                                                    I came from a Muslim home but we do not practice Islam as we ought to,we just know that we are Muslims and been a Muslim takes more than just bearing a muslim name ..over the year's have always loved to practice Islam reciting the Quran, covering myself with the hijab and follow the Sunnah of the prophet (SAW) but  I have no one to put me through, I don't even know how to read the Quran only have idea of the surahs I hear them read at the at 2013/2014 I met some friends at the University, one of them is from the Northern part of Nigeria and he's so calm that if he talk to someone with his attitude alone whalahi you will want to he started given me lecture, talk to me about life and start advising me to cover my hair😊he even went to the extent of buying me veils with Hijab but I was like me I like fashion o I can't be covering my hair where will I put all my expensive Brazilian and perivian hair then he smiled and said you don't have to rush with time you will get there and you will be the one to give them all out... So I started praying but still not regular, I can do only fajr for the day.... Alhamdulilhai as time goes by I started improving, he tried his best to help me change cause he saw the zeal in me that I was ready to learn but due to the social life I was involved with it wasn't that easy cause I have no friend that  covers or pray not until 2015💃when I got transferred to another school then  I met a friend who turned sister today, Alhamdulilhai...even before I met her it was one of our lecturers in school that told me oh Rofeehat I know you will be lonely where you are going, you will miss your friends here but do not worry you will meet a girl there that covers too and am sure you will like her. just as he said I met this beautiful lady that  covers up in style and we became very close... With the help of Allah and her been around me, stylishly I started covering up....solat became regular... It wasn't easy thou but am like what's the big deal since this Dunya is temporary and its not like have not done fashion before besides I can cover up and still do my fashion modesty....  people are making jest of me asking why am i covering up, you are now ugly, or you now dating Alfa? Some even said na copy copy, saying all sort of things.....  But Alhamdulilhai Robilhalamin this is the will of Allah and am only trying to obey him and am so happy I feel so comfortable covering... So 2015 is a good year for me... And i pray to God Almighty Allah that whatever that will make me stop covering or praying or i should not see it ...IG @Rofeehat , Adeyanju Adeola Rofiat...

Saturday 26 December 2015

Part 2 Interview with bro Abd. Hakeem


Sururah: What's your favorite Quranic verses
Abd. Hakeem: And my favourite quanic verse is "surely with every difficulty comes relief"
Sururah: And what's your advice for muslims
Abd. Hakeem: Well we go bk to d drawing board, read and understand the quran, So we don't rely on the interpretation of others and remember the sayings and teachings of the Quran and the noble prophet SAW.
Sururah: A Quote that defines you
Abd. Hakeem: You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -Mahatma Gandhi.
Sururah: What are the challenges you faced been a Muslim and a Microbiologist
Abd. Hakeem: To be honest I ain't really faced with any challenges yet for been a Muslim tho
Abd. Hakeem: As for being a microbiologist... Well in this part of the world.... Science isn't really given the attention or priority how engineering might have been given
Sururah: Any advice for upcoming Microbiologist                                                       Abd. Hakeem: Persevere.... Be patient... And work hard
Sururah: Who is your role model
Abd. Hakeem: My mum
Sururah: Which of her character do you wish to Emulate
Abd. Hakeem: Her patience And respect for others
Sururah: Jazakumlahu Khairahn
Sururah: Thanks For your time Sururah: May Allah forgive us our shortcomings and guide us aright
Abd. Hakeem: Lolz.... A pleasure having a chat with you
Abd. Hakeem: Wayakum                              Sururah: Social media ID
Abd. Hakeem: Facebook , Olatunji Hakeem Omotayo
Abd. Hakeem: Instagram @abu_aaesha
Sururah: Sururah Shobulo for Deen Talks Nigeria

Friday 25 December 2015

Interview with Bro Olatunji Abd.Hakeem Omotayo


Sururah : Asalam Alaekum Warahmahtulah Wabarakatuhu
Abd. Hakeem: Wa Aleikum Salam Waramothulahi Wabarakathu
Sururah : Introduce yourself please
Abd. Hakeem : My names are Olatunji Hakeem Omotayo, Graduate of Microbiology from Ladoke Akintola University Of Technology Ogbomoso,  Indigene of Esure, ijebu Imushin  Ogun state.
Abd. Hakeem: A Muslim,  looking up to God for guidance, first child of ma parents,  single
Abd Hakeem: Was born Oct 11 198*
Abd.Hakeem: I work as a microbiologist in a Qc lab located at isolo in Lagos
Sururah : What's your take about Islam
Abd.Hakeem: My take on Islam is simple  Abd.Hakeem: It's a religion of peace
Abd.Hakeem: Only religion known to have been confirmed by Allah SWT that he is pleased with....
Sururah : Favorite Hadith
Abd.Hakeem:  "He who builds a mosque seeking for the pleasure of Allah,  Allah would also build a house for him in paradise"
Sururah : What has Islam taught you
Abd.Hakeem: Islam has taught me peace..... Virtue..... Patience.... Calmness and Accepting others for who they are....
Sururah : How do you talk to Allah
Abd.Hakeem: By been humble and remorseful
Sururah : What impact has Islam made in your life
Abd.Hakeem: It has made a big impact in my life..... Cos even wen I know I am not perfect I try to make sure that at all times I try my best to live right and just                                                  Abd.Hakeem: And also not quick to conclude on any issue except when I have all the facts
Sururah : What have you done for islam
Abd.Hakeem: I make contributions towards helping the deen , by sharing contents about the deen or by donation
Sururah Shobulo: May Allah reward you abundantly
Abd.Hakeem: Amin.... May Allah reward us all
Sururah : What can you say about Muslims of today
Abd.Hakeem: Well.... We seem to be quite hyper active.... Very passionate about our deen and some tend to go at times out of line.... Especially the cases where the categorise themselves into different sect and believe that what their spiritual leaders says or do is d law... And any other person not belonging to their school of thought is not on d right path.                                                             

Thursday 24 December 2015

The solution for this ummah is not by simply changing the rulers


The solution for this Ummah is not by simply changing the rulers.

Change does not come by changing the rulers. Change comes when we change ourselves for the better, as Allaah تعالى said:

إِنَّ اللَّـهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّىٰ يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنفُسِهِمْ ۗ وَإِذَا أَرَادَ اللَّـهُ بِقَوْمٍ سُوءًا فَلَا مَرَدَّ لَهُ ۚ وَمَا لَهُم مِّن دُونِهِ مِن وَالٍ

❝{Verily! Allaah will not change the good condition of a people as long as they do not change their state of goodness themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allah). But when Allaah wills a people's punishment, there can be no turning back of it, and they will find besides Him no protector}❞ [Surah al-Ra`d (13): 11]


What we learn here is:

۞ 1) The good state of the people will not change as long as they are righteous and pious.

۞ 2) When they turn towards the evil and disobedience, their state changes towards the worse and the blessings of Allaah is taken from them.

۞ 3) Our sins are our own worst enemies.

۞ 4) We cannot expect the rulers to be pious while we are ourselves sinning.

۞ 5) When Allaah decrees His punishment, then there is no turning it back.

۞ 6) None can benefit us against Allaah, as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم had said: ❝And know that if the nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, they would not benefit you except with what Allaah had already prescribed for you. And if they were to gather together to harm you with anything, they would not harm you except with what Allaah had already prescribed against you.❞

۞ 7) Don’t rely on your strength for the desired change, become righteous and ask Allaah for it, as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: ❝If you ask, then ask Allaah [alone]; and if you seek help, then seek help from Allaah [alone].❞

۞ 8) If there is something in the rulers which is not to our likings, then we should be patient and supplicate to Allaah that He guides them or deals with them.

Ibn Khaldoon (d. 808 H) mentioned in his Taareekh: “The first one to pray for the Khaleefah on the Minbar was Ibn `Abbaas رضي الله عنهما; he prayed for `Alee رضي الله عنه in his Khutbah while he was in Basrah working as a dignitary for `Alee. He said: “O Allaah! Assist `Alee to be firm upon the truth and make his actions based upon that.” [Taareekh Ibn Khaldoon (1/332)]]

Through your prayers Allaah تعالى will bring about the changes which your swords cannot accomplish.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Interview With Bro Abd.Hameed Balogun Part 2


Sururah : What's Your favorite Quranic Verses
Bro Abd.Ahmed: Quran 80 ,Suratul Abasa verse 35 to 37
Bro Abd. Ahmed: The verses are referring to a certain day that our beloved parents will be of no help to us
Surura : What's Your favorite Hadith.                Bro Abd. Ahmed: Live in this world as if you are a strange or a traveller.                                    Sururah : What's your take about Islam
Bro Abd. Ahmed: The best thing that can ever happen to someone on earth is Islam
Sururah : What has Islam taught you
Bro Abd.Ahmed: Everything about life.        Sururah : What impact has Islam had in your life.                                                                         Bro Abd. Ahmed: The reason for existence and my purpose of creation
Sururah : What have you done for islam
Bro Abd.Ahmed: Yes
Bro Abd.Ahmed: 😄😄😄😄
Bro Abd.Ahmed: Allah knows best
Sururah : How do you praise Allah.
Brother Abd.Ahmed: The best of praise is 5 obligatory solat
Sururah : What can you say about the muslims of today.                                                                Bro Abd. Ahmed: Muslims of today should uphold the true principle of Islam as it was practiced by the early muslims
Sururah : Who is your role model
Brother Abd.Ahmed: The first Muhammad (SAW)
Sururah : A quote that defines you
Bro Abd.Ahmed: Never stop the race of success until you are counted among the best.                   Sururah: Jazakumlahu Khairahn for your time
Bro Abd.Ahmed: Wahiyah kum
Sururah :  I pray Allah forgives us our shortcomings ,guide our affairs and  i pray your household to be among the people of Paradise
Bro Abd.Ahmed: Amin
Sururah:  You did not tell us if your are single or married
Bro Abd.Ahmed: Amin, am married with 3 girls and one boy
Brother Ahmed: Maryam, Mahmudah, Maymunah and Mahmud.                                              Sururah: Sururah Shobulo for Deen Talks Nigeria

Interview With Bro Abd.Hameed Balogun


Sururah : Asalam Alaekum Warahmahtulah Wabarakatuhu
Brother Abd.Ahmed: Waalaikum Salam waramotullah wabarakatuhu.                     Sururah : Pls Sir, Can You introduce yourself
Brother Ahmed: My name is Balogun Adekunle Abd.Hameed
Brother Abd.Ahmed: Am from Abeokuta, Ogun state
Brother Abd.Ahmed: I was born on 16th July 1979
Brother Abd. Ahmed: I started my educational career in 1986 at Oshodi model primary school then to Oshodi comprehensive high school
Brother Ahmed: Later to Adeniran Ogunsanya college of education for Nigeria certificate in education (NCE)
Brother Abd.Ahmed: Later to Lagos State University where I studied Educational management
Brother Abd.Ahmed: Also Master in educational management at the same university
Brother Abd.Ahmed: As you can see in my educational career  I am a teacher. I am the school Administrator of Al Iman Schools
Sururah : Been A Muslim and the Administrator of All Iman Schools, what are the challenges.               Brother Ahmed: The challenges are enormous
Sururah : How do you intend to tackle  the challenges without contradicting your deen , since they are enormous
Brother Abd. Ahmed: From making sure the school goals and Objectives are achieved.                                                         Brother Abd.Ahmed: Teachers training, parent reorientation
Brother Abd.Ahmed: The reward of educating a child is not only in this world, so anything to achieve this must be in line with the dictates of our creator
Brother Abd.Ahmed: For anyone who is willing to be a school administrator, it requires belief, a sincere commitment, readiness and sense of sacrifice to achieve your goals.                                To Be Continued In Shaa Allah....

Our Interview Session is here


Asalam Alaekum Warahmahtulah Wabarakatuhu, We will be interviewing people, we want to start talking to each other, instead of talking about eachother, hope to learn more from you, thanks for checkn our posts, Jazakumlahu Khairahn.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Can we make Dua in Sujood? Answered by Shaykh Shaibu Asali


  • Are we allowed to make dua in the sujood of fard Salah alone or in the sujood of the Sunnah/Nafil Salah?
  • Can we recite duas from the Quran or should we only recite masnoon duas in sujood?
  • Also, can we recite dua in sujood in any language or does it have to be in Arabic?
  • Should the dua be made by tongue or in the heart?


We are allowed to make dua in the sujood of both the fard Salah and the Sunnah Salah. In fact we should make a lot duas in this state because Allah answers duas made in sujood as evidenced by the authentic hadith.
It was transmitted by an-Nasa’i (1145), and when he prostrated he said: “Subahana Rabbial-A’la, Subahana Rabbial-A’la (Glory be to my Lord Most High, glory be to my Lord Most High).” And between the two prostrations he would say: “Rabbighfirli, Rabbighfirli (Lord forgive me, Lord forgive me).”​ 
Duas from both the Quran and Sunnah can be recited in sujood.
If a person does not know Arabic then they can make dua in any language. However the duas that have come in the Sunnah like Subahana Rabbial al-a ‘la should be recited in Arabic. Of course, it is better to use the duas from the Quran and Sunnah because the Quran is Allah’s speech and the Prophet  was blessed with eloquence and his speech and duas are the best duas. It is better for a Muslim to learn Arabic so that he or she can be able to make dua in Arabic or at least, memorize the duas that were reported in the Sunnah and to know their meanings. This is possible with a bit of effort.


Wednesday 16 December 2015

How to recharge phone from your bank account. (All banks) .


1.Access bank:*901* amount#
2.Eco Bank*326*amount#
5.First Bank:*894*amount#
7.Heritage bank:*322*030*amount#
9.Sky bank:*389*076*1*amount#
10.Stanbic IBTC: *909*amount#
13.Unity bank:*322*215*amount#
14.Zenith:*966*amount# or *302*amnt# (for mtn users)
15.Diamond bank(yellow acct. only):*710*555*
phone no*amount*pin#
To know your BVN, dial *565*0#.

Saturday 12 December 2015

18 Q & A


A traveler once came to the masjid to see the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) after greeting the Prophet (S.A.W), he was asked where he was from. The traveler replied that he came from very far just to get a few questions answered.
Following is the dialogue between the traveler and the Prophet (saw).
*Traveler : I do not want adhaab
(punishments) to be written in my account.
*Prophet : Behave well with your parents
*Traveler : I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person.
*Prophet : Fear Allah (Jalla Jalalu),always.
*Traveler : I want to be counted amongst Allah's favourites.
*Prophet : Recite Quran every morning and evening.
*Traveler: I want my heart to always be enlightened.
*Prophet : Never forget death.
*Traveler: I never want to be away from Allah's blessing.
*Prophet : Always treat fellow creatures well.
*Traveler: I never want to be harmed by my enemies.
*Prophet : Always have faith in Allah.(Only)
*Traveler: I never want to be humiliated.
*Prophet : Be careful of your actions.
*Traveler: I wish to live long.
*Prophet : Always do Goodness towards blood Relations
*Traveler: I want my sustenance to increase.
*Prophet : Always be in wudhoo.
*Traveler: I wish to stay free of adhaab in the grave.
*Prophet : Always wear pure clothes.
*Traveler: I never want to be
burned in hell.
*Prophet : Control your eyes and tongue.
*Traveler: How do I get my sins forgiven?
*Prophet : Always ask forgiveness from Allah with
a lot of humility.
*Traveler: I want people to respect me always.
*Prophet : Never extend your hands of need at people.
*Traveler: I want to always be honoured.
*Prophet : Never humiliate or put down anyone.
*Traveler: I don't want to be squeezed by Qabr.(Squeezing in the grave)
*Prophet : Recite Surat Al Mulk (The Dominion)often.
*Traveler: I want my wealth to increase.
*Prophet : Recite surat Al Waqiah (The Inevitable) every night.
*Traveler: I want to be safe and at peace on Day of Judgment.
*Prophet : Do zikr (Praises) of Allah from dusk to night.
*Traveler: I want to be in full
attention & concentration during prayers.
*Prophet : Always do wudhoo with concentration and attention.

Friday 11 December 2015

Dua and its benefits


It’s amazing to see how great Dua really is. Let's look at some benefits of making Dua: BismilLahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

1. The loss of Pride and arrogance - For someone that makes constant Dua, arrogance is something that is not among their characteristics because when one beseeches Allah, he is affirming his own powerlessness.
2. The doors of mercy are opened – Abdullah bin Umar narrated that the Prophet said, “For whoever the door of Dua opened, for him the doors of mercy are opened...” (Tirmidhi).

The Prophet once said, “Dua is Ibadah(Worship)” Since it is a type of worship, it is something that we must always do.               This is even to the extent that the Prophet said, “Allah is extremely displeased with the person who doesn’t do dua to Allah” (Tirmidhi).                     Try making Dua for others because if you do so, the same thing may also occur to you too. Have complete conviction that Allah will accept the Dua, because if you don’t, then there is a high chance it won’t be accepted.

We ask Allah to have mercy on our ignorance, forgive our known and unknown sins, grant us good health and the good in dunya and Aakhira. Aameen.

Jummah Day


As-Salam alaekum warahmotuLlohi wabarokatuhu.

My Brothers, Fathers, Mothers and Sisters in Islaam!

Today is another Jumu'ah (Friday 29 Safar 1437 - 11 December 2015).

These Are some of The Etiquettes For Salaatul-Jumuah:

★ Purifying and cleaning oneself.......The person intending to perform Salaatul-Jumuah is highly encouraged to have Ritual ghusl.

★ Using perfume (males only)... The Prophet said: “Any woman who puts on perfume and passes by people so that they can smell her fragrance is an adulteress .” [Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi].

★ Going early to the masjid.....There is a great reward in going early to Salatul-Jumuah.

★ Dressing well for Salaatul-Jumuah...... This is a special time that requires Muslims to appear in the best manner possible.

★ Reciting Sooratul-Kahf (Chapter 18 of the Qur'aan)... The Soorah could be read anytime of the day.
“Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays.” (Ibn Hajar, Talkhis al- Habir)

★ Walking to the Masjid whenever feasible as there is a reward for every step taken to the Masjid.

★ Going to the Masjid in a state of calmness and not being hurried.

★ Performing tahiyyatul-Masjid... The prophet said, "If one of you enters the mosque, do not sit until you pray two Raka'ats." [Bukhari and Muslim].

★ Avoiding stepping over people to get to a particular spot in the Masjid.

★ Avoiding dividing two people who are sitting together.

★ Not making someone stand and taking his place.

★ Not clasping one’s hands and intertwining one’s fingers while waiting for the prayer.

★ Sitting in the front rows and close to the Imaam whenever possible.

★ Remaining quiet while the Imam is delivering the khutbah.....This actually includes listening to the Imaam and not playing with anything while the Imaam is speaking.
⭐ sending a lots of Durud for the Prophet ﷺ is highly meritorious:

Rasulallah (Pbuh) is reported to have also said,
“Recite Durood upon me in abundance on the day of Jummah since they are presented to me.” (Ibn Majah)

May Almighty Allaah accept our prayer as an act of worship and grant us more Jummua'h with rewarding deeds.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Be Happy


Ibn Al Qayyim may Allah have mercy on him said the word (الحزن) – (sadness) does not appear in the Quran except in the form of forbidding it (ولا تهنو ولاتحزنوا) or in the form of negating it (فلاخوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون).
And the reason for this is because there is no benefit for having sadness in the heart. The most beloved thing to shaitan is to make the believing slave sad by taking him off track.
• The Prophet (ﷺ) sought refuge in Allah (swt) from sadness (اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والحزن)
• Ibn Al Qayyim said: Sadness weakens the heart and diminishes determination and wanting to go forward. And there is nothing more beloved to the shaitan than the sadness of a believer.
• For this reason, be happy, optimistic and think good about Allah (swt). Have trust in what Allah (swt) is able to do and depend on Him. You will find happiness and pleasure in all situations.
• Ibn Al Qayyim said: Don’t ruin your happiness with worry, and don’t ruin your mind with pessimism. Don’t ruin your success with deception and don’t ruin the optimism of others by destroying it. Don’t ruin your day by looking back at yesterday.
• If you think about your situation, you will find that Allah (swt) has given you things without asking, so have trust in Allah (swt) that He doesn’t prevent anything you want except there is goodness for you.
• You could be sleeping and the doors of the heavens are being opened with dua’as being made on your behalf, subhan Allah: perhaps from someone poor whom you helped, or someone sad whom you brought joy, or someone passing by and you smiled at him, or someone in distress and you removed it.. so don’t ever underestimate any good deeds.
• One of the righteous predecessors said: I make dua’a to Allah (swt) for something I want, and if He gives it to me then I’m happy once and if He doesn’t give it to me then I’m happy ten times because the first was my choice and the second was Allah’s choice.
As Sa’ady (may Allah have mercy) on him said: life is short so don’t shorten it with worries, grief, and sadness.
• So be the owner of a heart that breathes happiness and satisfaction.
• May Allah (swt) make your times happy and may Allah (swt) forgive us all. آمِيْن ثُمَّ آمِيْن. .

Sunday 6 December 2015

Our Islam ...Our Deen


ISLAM is a beautiful religion and ALLAH has made it so easy for us to follow through our beloved PHOPHET MUHHAMMED (peace be upon him)...           Have we done anything in our life for LIFE AFTER DEATH...??
Are we ready to meet ALLAH on the day of JUDGEMENT???
Remember.. we are all alone on that day..
▪ Have you ever wondered what would have happened if we treated the Quran  the way we treat our   mobile phone...?

▪ What if we can carry it with us wherever we go;
In our bags  .... & in our pockets?

▪ What if we looked at the pages  several times a day

▪ What if we went back to take it if it's forgotten

▪ What if we treated it as though we cannot live without it..?
- And really, we cannot live without it...!

▪ What if we give it to our children  as gifts

▪ What if we read it while travelling  ?

▪ What if we made it a priority every day??

Let our logo be :
" The Quran  is my best friend.
▪ But how many times do we open the Quran   and read   the messages  sent from Allah Subhaana WaTa'aala Himself

❇ Scientifically proven :
  Listening   to Quran  reduces the prevalence of cancerous cells in the human body and even destroys them.

💠 The prolongation of prostration strengthens memory , and prevents stroke.

Saturday 5 December 2015

Are You Living Your Purpose? by Khadija Abdus Sabur


So often, we get caught up in life – our goals, desires, relationships, and achievements. Of course, all of this has its place – however, as Muslims, it’s important to engage in life with a sense of purpose, rather than for accomplishment in and of itself.
I’d like to share my favorite ayah of the Quran with you – one that has truly been a guiding light in my quest to live a more purposeful life, by the permission of Allah. Keeping this one ayah at the forefront of your consciousness can help you to become more centered, accomplished, serene, and purposeful – and provide a compass for everything you do in life.
Allah SWT revealed in His Noble Book:
“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Adh-Dhariyat, 51:56).
Many of us are familiar with this ayah – but do we really give it the weight, reflection, and implementation it deserves? If we did, I’d argue that our lives would truly be transformed.
Living Your Purpose
When you truly know your real purpose on this earth – in more than just an abstract way, you’ll find that doors open wherever you go. This is because infusing your life with purpose (worship of Allah), means knowing that every action, opportunity, emotion, and interaction is a means to gain closeness to Allah and exemplify the best qualities and actions.
Blog_Nov03_InsideMany people understand this on an intellectual level – of course it is best to live in a more purposeful, righteous manner. However, it may be challenging for some to understand how to truly infuse this sense of purpose into everyday life. Below are some examples, which illustrate a sense of Islamic purposefulness – and how it can guide you to the best of actions and character, in every facet of life.

~ In your work
, infusing a sense of purpose and worship can be done in numerous ways. Dealing fairly with customers; giving accurate measure and prices; returning over-payments; excellent customer service, and wonderful quality are but a few examples.
Always strive for excellence in your work, seeking Allah’s pleasure. You will find that not only will you develop a stellar reputation, excel in your field, and move up within your company – the intangible rewards from Allah SWTwill be numerous, alhamdulillah.
“Abu Salid al-Khudri reported that The Prophet SAWS said: Do not sell gold for gold, except like for like, and don’t increase something of it upon something; and don’t sell silver unless like for like, and don’t increase something of it upon something, and do not sell for ready money something to be given later.” 1

~ In relationships
, making it your purpose and focus to seek Allah’s pleasure is critical for success. This comes into play when you are first seeking a husband or wife, as well as once you are married.
Choosing a spouse based on who will motivate you to be the best slave of Allah SWT is one of the most important choices you will make in life. And after marriage, approach the relationship as an act of worship in which you are seeking Allah’s pleasure. If this is your purpose, this will get you through those times when you are less than happy with each other.
Umm Salamah RAaa narrated that Allah’s Messenger SAWS said, “Whichever woman dies while her husband is pleased with her, then she enters Paradise.” 2
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah RAu that the Messenger of Allah SAWS  said: “The most perfect of the believers in faith is the one who is best in attitude, and the best of you is the one who is best in attitude towards his womenfolk.” 3
~ Raising children is both a blessing, and an amaanah (trust). You will be asked about how you raised and cultivated them, and whether you instilled principles and guidance that will help them to be good Muslims – and ultimately raise their own children to continue the legacy, insha’ Allah.
From the perspective of parenting as worship, the Muslim parent focuses on teaching acts of ibaadah,character development, manners, and respect. You strive to raise children, who by their very character are a benefit to their community, and a dawah to mankind. Imagine how heavily this will weigh in the parents scale of good deeds!
Allah SWT says in Surah At-Tur:
And those who believed and whose descendants followed them in faith – We will join with them their descendants, and We will not deprive them of anything of their deeds. Every person, for what he earned, is retained. (At-Tur, 52:21)
 And the duah from Surah Al-Ahqaf:
“My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to work righteousness of which You will approve and make righteous for me my offspring. Indeed, I have repented to You, and indeed, I am of the Muslims.” (Al-Ahqaf, 46:15)
~ With your friends, infusing a sense of purpose and worship means that you choose to keep company with beneficial people, and not those who engage in a lot of idle speech or call you to sin. Also, one of the best aspects of friendship is having someone you trust to confide in and seek counsel from. If your friends are righteous and fear Allah, they will always advise in a manner which will benefit your dunya and aakhirah.
Abu Huraira RAureported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A man is upon the religion of his best friend, so let one of you look at whom he befriends.” 4
~ Wealth, its accumulation and spending can truly be a fitnah, if one is not careful. However, for the one focused on seeking Allah’s pleasure – wealth used correctly can be of much benefit. Instead of seeking to accumulate money for its own sake, use it as a means of getting closer to Allah SWT. Give sadaqah, sponsor an orphan, or any other generous act of worship. Also, always strive to keep your money free from haram, such as riba (interest), or purchasing haram goods (alcohol, music, etc.).
Allah SWT says regarding wealth:
Your wealth and your children are but a trial, and Allah has with Him a great reward.
So fear Allah as much as you are able and listen and obey and spend [in the way of Allah]; it is better for your selves. And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul – it is those who will be the successful.    (At-Taghabun, 64:15-16)
~ When seeking an education, a sense of purpose is paramount! Focus on the ultimate aim of ilm – to remove ignorance from yourself and others, by way of this knowledge. As you learn, filter any new knowledge through an Islamic lens, and seek Allah’s aid in completing your studies.
Also, think ahead of a way in which you can use what you’ve learned in Allah’s service! Whether in your career, or in tutoring or educating others – make a plan to “pay sadaqah” on the knowledge you’ve been blessed with.
Shaykh Al-Uthaymeen in his explanation of Hilyatu Taalibal Ilm (The Adornments of the Student of Knowledge) by Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd, referenced this when explaining the meaning of Zakaat.
The Shaykh mentioned that the Salaf used to say that just as people pay zakat on their wealth, they are also required to pay zakaat on their knowledge – if they hope for it to increase. This is done by acting upon that knowledge, helping others implement it, and calling towards that knowledge for Allah’s sake.
~ Your health and the strength of your body is truly a mercy from Allah SWT, which we must be thankful for every day. Don’t take good health for granted, and use it for seeking Allah’s pleasure. Don’t use your legs to walk to a forbidden place, or your arms to touch a forbidden person. Also, while you have health, seek to do as much dawah,study, and beneficial work as possible, as the time may come when you cannot any longer. And lastly, seek to preserve your good health by eating well, exercising, and maintaining a low level of stress.
Ibn Abbas RAu narrated that the Prophet SAWS said:
“Take advantage of five things before five other things: from your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you become occupied, and from your life before your death.” 5
~ Giving dawah is a major component of worshiping Allah SWT and living a life of purpose. Once you understand your true goal in life “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Adh-Dhariyat, 51:56), not only do you want to implement this in your life – but you want to help others do the same.
Every Muslim should give dawah – first by his character, then by words and deeds. If you don’t feel that you are knowledgeable enough, even sharing the smallest bits of information about Islam, or taking someone to visit a masjid can have a profound impact.
“Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided.” (An-Nahl, 16:125)
Masha’ Allah, these are just some of the areas of our lives that are enhanced tremendously, when we seek to truly live our purpose. In your own life, think of areas in which you can be more purposeful. Make your intention and select one area, focus on improvement for Allah’s sake, and then move on to another. Concentrated cultivation of one’s mind, body and soul – for Allah’s sake, is truly the purpose of life.
“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Adh-Dhariyat, 51:56).
What are ways in which we can implement this verse in our lives? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. :)


Controlling Our Emotions As Muslimahs. By Amra Siddiqah


Embrace Your Emotions, Control Your Actions

Fact: Allah made women sensitive and emotional by nature.   Whether we like it or not or choose to admit it, a woman can go through so many intense emotional highs and lows in one day that by the day’s end she is left feeling weary and mentally drained because every emotion we experience has a physical and psychological reaction.
    Beware!! The simplest event may trigger an emotional biological response that will cause our mood to involuntarily and spontaneously transform!!
How do we deal with this?Well, I’ve come up with a little acronym that just might help us in shaa Allaah; R.A.C.E

Recognize Your Emotions

 Whenever we get emotional, pause and recognize that this is who we are by nature.  Beware! The simplest event may trigger an emotional biological response that will cause our mood to involuntarily and spontaneously transform!  It may be a whisper from the shayateen, hearing an idle or disrespectful comment, receiving a confusing email or dealing with someone who has a bad attitude and loves confrontation on a daily basis.   Practicing awareness of the source of these changes in emotion will allow us to respond a way that Allah loves.

 Accept Your Emotions

Simply accept and acknowledge the fact that this is the way our Creator and Master Allah () designed us.  Our emotions make us beautiful, nurturing, caring and sensitive human beings.  They make us intuitive, loving wives, mothers and friends.  However, we must also accept that emotions are our test.  For instance, it’s very important to learn how to recognize, accept and deal with jealousy, especially in a polygamous marriage.  How deeply and intensely we love our husbands should pale in comparison to our love and devotion to Al Noor (The Light).
It may help us as women to remember this hadith.  While it may be hard to accept because we love to love with deepest devotion, our beloved Prophet ( ) cautions us with good reason to love in moderation:
Allah’s Messenger () said:
“Love the one whom you love to a certain degree (moderately), perhaps one day he will be someone for whom you have hatred, and hate the one for whom you have hatred to a certain degree (moderately), perhaps one day he will be one whom you love.” –  Hadith – at-Tirmidhee (no. 1997) 
Conversely, all of our reckless and undying love should only be toward Allah (),  Al Wadud (The Loving One):
 “Say (O Muhammad SAW): Verily, my Salât (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allâh, the Lord of the ‘Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).”” –  Al-An’am (6):162

    We may not be able to control how we feel, but we can certainly control our actions and what rolls off our tongue; our speech.

Control Your Emotions!

We may not be able to control how we feel, but we can certainly control our actions and what rolls off our tongue; our speech.  Al hamdu lillaah, we will not be held accountable for our thoughts.   Does anyone doubt the wisdom of Al Hakim (The Perfectly Wise)?
He knew what thoughts would go through our minds and what we would love to do and say to that sister with the attitude that annoys us.  However, we will be held accountable for our deeds.  This is a serious matter, especially for women, and applies not only to anger and jealousy, but gossip and back-biting as well.

Embrace Your Emotions 

This is my personal jihad.  Which of us loves being overly emotional?  Welling up with tears for no apparent reason sometimes.  Feeling hurt and neglected by those we love, even though you may have spoken to them just a day ago.  Getting so angry that the veins on our neck pop up? It’s no picnic! Personally, I’m annoyed at myself for not being able to stay angry for a long time, even though I may have every right to be.
It took me a long time to realize that when I get upset, I express my opinion and then I go quiet. But when I get really angry I can’t even form a sentence, can’t even utter a word. Mouth traps shut. Ma shaa Allaah.
Rather, I distance myself from the situation and wait until the anger subsides and I can think clearly again, before anything comes out of my mouth.  This is surely a mercy from Allah  because He knows that the kind of haraam speech that would come spewing forth from my lips would make me go into a 21 day fast to make tauba for deliverance from sure hell fire! Allahu alam! :)
Now, I recognize that this is part of my nature, and I have learned to embrace it and deal with it accordingly.  May Allah help us all to find ways to deal with our emotions.
Remember as Muslimahs we need to be like an Oreo cookie.  The entire cookie is good, but the inside is soft and sweet, while the outside is a little tougher and not that easy to break.  In other words we need to develop a thicker skin so that we don’t let anything get to us inwardly to the point where it would cause us to outwardly sin.
‘O Allaah, You are my Lord, none has the right to be worshipped except You, You created me and I am Your servant and I abide to Your covenant and promise as best I can, I take refuge in You from the evil of which I committed.  I acknowledge Your favour upon me and I acknowledge my sin, so forgive me, for verily none can forgive sin except You.’ – Sayyid ul Istigfar


Wednesday 2 December 2015

Attention Please


🅰TTENTION!!! Pls Read this message, its very important to every Muslims.                                      Please do not send religious messages asking you to "forward to 10 people & good things will happen to you or else bad luck follows; or watch what ALLAH(SWT) will do for you by tomorrow morning". This is because some people are making fun of Islam. A good muslim should understand that luck doesn't change by sending messages. Good luck comes by being virtuous & praying to ALLAH. We should always remember that the biggest sin in Islam is Shirk!! As we all know only ALLAH has knowledge of the future. Some people have intentionally developed some websites to spread wrong information about Quran and Hadith, so please seriously beware of the following websites & inform everyone:                    ⛔ ⛔ ⛔ ⛔
Thanks. In addition, there is the so called video of 2008 Hajj showing angels coming from d Sky. All these are made by enemies of Islam. Please SEND this message to as many muslims as possible. If you don't spread it, muslims  around the world could get wrong information about Islam. Please let us try to forward this message as much as we can. Jazakumullahu khairan.

Monday 30 November 2015

Five Principles That Will Most Definitely Bring One Success In Dunya And Akhira



Once, a great personality was asked,
"How do u manage to live such a pure life?
Why are u so calm?
How come u never get tired?
How is it that u don't get caught up in temptations?"

He replied, "After many years of study &  experience, I have based my life on these 5 principles:

🍃1. I realised that nobody else is going to eat up the rizq/sustenance that has been ordained for me, thus I became calm.

🍃2. I realised that Allah is watching me so I was ashamed to do anything bad in His presence.

🍃3. I realised that nobody else was going to do my work, so I strove &  worked.

🍃4. I realised that death awaits me at the end, so I prepared myself.

🍃5. I realised that no good or bad deeds are lost - each will eventually come back to me. So I increased my good deeds & kept away from bad ones.

And I remind myself of these 5 principles everyday. سُبْحَانَ  ﺂللَّـہ

Most definitely I FEEL PEACEFUL

رَضِيْتُ بِاللهِ رَ بًّا وَّ بِاْلاِسْلاَمِ دِ يْنًا وَ بِمُحَمَّدٍ صَلىَّ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ
وَسَلَّمَ رَسُوْلاً

Raditu billaahi rabba, wabil islaami deena, wabimuhammadin sallallaahu alayhi wasallama rasoola.

- And I am satisfied with Allah as my Lord, Islam as my deen (religion) &  Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) as my Prophet & the Messenger of Allah)

Saturday 28 November 2015

On the day of Qiyamah


On the day of Qiyamah,


You will rise with those u imitate!!

You will rise the way u died!!

Do u not fear الله???

As a muslim,u are bound to follow rules and regulations set down by الله and Shari'ah. If u dnt like it- الله says 'there is no compulsion'‎.‎

‎It comes in a hadeeth .meaning is how you present yourself and carry out your daily activities will be your general outcome. If a person is engaged in Tilaawat of Quran daily and performs all Salah ( (صلاة) (صلاة))  etc and dies not get involved in sin then Inshallah that person will be risen from amongst those who were engaged in good actions. However if he did those actions for showing people that he is pious etc then Allahs Nabi (saw) has warned about the consequenses.

Party Time


The year-end brings with it a host of temptations and invitations to sin. Entertainment festivals, office year-end parties and the like tempt us with the illusion of merriment and fun.
The amount of Haraam that takes place at some of these events is shocking. From the outfits to the free-flowing of drugs and alcohol, such events are definite no-go areas for Muslims.
Besides the detriment to our Imaan and hereafter, there are other sinister evils that lurk in the background. There are many who attend such events as predators with malicious intent. Spiked drinks and the rape that follows has almost become a norm.
Ulama have had to deal with situations of raped and intoxicated young Muslim women at police stations, with their parents nowhere to be found.
Our humble plea is that for Allah's sake, cancel all plans to attend any such gathering, and prevent our children from the same. Ponder over death and its unpredictability. Would it not be the ultimate failure if we had to meet our death in an environment of sin and evil?

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Beautiful Hijabis


You know, the full Hijab sisters also want to dress and expose too, they want to wear all the designers also, but their Rabb says "cover it up" and they Simply answered "I hear and I obey".   SubhanAllah! Beautiful.

Monday 23 November 2015

Definition Of One Day


One day, you will lock your door but you will not be the one that will open it.

One day, you will wash that your best clothes and you will not be able to wear it.

One day, your best food will be prepared and you will be unable to eat it.

One day, you will eat and drink what you will never excrete.

One day, your curriculum vitae will get an expiry.

One day, the person that seems to love you most will never dare to move closer to you.

One day, you will think of what you can never accomplish.

One day, you will be regarded as “That thing”
One day, you will be isolated in a place called “grave”

One day, that thing you love most will come your way but you will not be able to give any attention to it.

One day, you will hold your breath and forget to release it.

One day, you will become a defendant before The Chief Judge.(ALLAH)

One day, housefly/ termites will come your way and you will be unable to chase it.

One day, you will receive a call that can never be declined.

One day, your name will be called, but no one will answer

One day, the assets you cherished most will be taken by another person.

One day, your deed on earth will be presented like a CD.

One day, a title will be added to your name “Late”

One day, The Great Allocator will allocate you to an appropriate place.

One day that your beautiful skin will turn to its original nature-sand.

One day, your entire body will cease operation.

One day, you will be given an infinite apartment, either palace or hell.

In Summary, take life easy and remember that “Life is just an episode, but it can determine your eternity”

Fear Allah and Remember One Day

Thursday 19 November 2015



Wife asks husband:
"What is the happiest moment in your life?"

He looked at her face and said:
"It has not yet come.."

She fell silent for a moment,then she asked:
"And when will it be?"

He said:
"The day when you open the door and you say to me 'my dear husband, Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh'- in our palace in Jannah.

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