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Tuesday 12 January 2016

Our Deeds ....Our Spiritual Food


"Whatever we do is a spiritual food for us. If we are doing something which is sinful, which is dirty, which is bad – it will result in dire consequences.

The examples اللّه  Subhana Ta'ala showed us in the Qur’an were of  Sayyidina Adam & Sayyidina Yunus (Alayhis salaam). 

Sayyidina Adam (Alayhis salaam) was dressed in the clothings of honour, but the moment he oppressed himself, when he acted without mercy for himself, all the dressings of honour were stripped from him, he lost everything & he was ejected from Paradise/Jannah

Jannah is a place that cannot accept dirtiness, that cannot accept oppression, that cannot accept sins. So the moment Sayyidina Adam (Alayhis salaam) performed something bad, he was immediately removed from Paradise.

Similarly when we look at Sayyidina Yunus (Alayhis salaam), when he fell into oppression ( by running away from his village instead of inviting his people to اللّه 
Subhana Ta'ala)  he was swallowed up by the whale. So once we oppress ourselves, we will be swallowed up by sufferings & disasters, pain & problems. Aиϑ we are seeing that all around us today.

Any actions of spiritual dirtiness (sinfulness, actions that are against the teachings of اللّه  Subhana Ta'ala &  Rasulullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), would immediately bring us problems & difficulties, in this world & in the hereafter. Anyone whose life is not following the spiritual cleanliness that اللّه  Subhana Ta'ala  has enjoined upon human beings, their lives will be filled with sufferings &  burdens."


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