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Tuesday 5 January 2016

Accepted Duas Story


In the holy month of Ramadaan, a pious woman gathered her children every day before iftaar (the time for breaking the fast after sunset) & asked them to pray with her. Then she raised her hands &  said: “O Allah! Provide us with our own house by the side of a flowing canal.” The children then all raised their hands &  repeated the prayer.
The woman’s husband laughed at them &   said: “Your wish for a house is understandable, but what do u mean by a canal flowing beside the house? How will this canal come to our desert area?”. 
The wife replied: “Don’t worry about it; this is a matter between us & Allah Almighty. He (Allah) says: “Call upon Me & I will respond to your call. So we will seek from Him whatever comes to our mind again and again.”
In short, she gathered the children daily & prayed to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.
The holy month of Ramadaan was over &  her husband asked her sarcastically: “Now tell me where is ur house & the canal?” The lady replied with firm faith: “Allah Almighty will certainly give us a house, He will fulfill all our desires.”
What happened next was related by the woman herself:
“I had barely finished fasting the 6 days of Shawwal when one day a strange incident happened. My husband was coming out of the mosque after ‘Asr prayer. A well-known & affluent person of Riyadh stopped him. My husband did not recognise him. The person said salaam to my husband & said: “I have a house with my father living in half of it. The other half is vacant. Allah Almighty has blessed me & my children with a lot of property & we don’t need the vacant portion. Today I left my place with the intention of offering the remaining portion of the house to the first person who comes out of the mosque after ‘Asr prayer. I’ve come across u here. Now my request is that u accept half of our house as a gift.”
We were reluctant to accept the offer without paying anything.

However, the man said, “If u insist on paying for the house, u may give me whatever amount u can arrange easily.” We collected money from different sources, which amounted to around 8,000 riyals. We handed over that amount to the gentleman. “Now we were the owners of half a house in a posh locality of Riyadh. It is true that whoever calls upon Allah Ta’ala with sincerity in his or her heart, Allah Almighty does answer their call”.
“However, one thing perturbed me. I had asked Allah for a canal to flow alongside the house, but there was no canal. I asked a religious scholar whether Allah Almighty blesses a person with what he or she seeks from Him? I sought a house on the bank of a canal from Allah Almighty but I got the house without any canal.”
The religious scholar was astonished at my firm belief. He asked me what lay in front of my new house. I replied that there was a beautiful mosque there. The religious scholar smiled and said,
“That is the canal!”
There is a Hadith that once the Prophet of Allah (immense peace & infinite blessings be upon him) said to the Companions (may Allah Ta’ala be pleased with them): “If a person lives in a house by the side of a flowing canal & he takes a bath in it five times a day, will any dirt or impurity remain on his body?”
The Companions replied: “No, O Prophet of Allah! No dirt or impurity will remain on his body”.
The Prophet (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said ( to the effect): “This is the case with praying 5 times a day by means of which Allah Almighty removes sins.”
  Pray Allah guide us aright and make us firm in our duties ,Amin
  Pray Allah accept our duas and make us a living proof of his divine intervention....


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