December 2015 | Deen Talks Nigeria

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Tuesday, 29 December 2015

 2015 Achievements By Yussuf Saka

2015 Achievements By Yussuf Saka

Year 2015 has been an amazing year for me, my work, my deen and my life generally.        2015 started in the lab preparing for the final phase of my

Monday, 28 December 2015

Jimoh Qudus Olawale , 2015 achievements

Jimoh Qudus Olawale , 2015 achievements

My Achievements in 2015.                                      By Jimoh Qudus Olawale.                                              I came into d university as a practicing muslim, along d line, i noticed my solat is not well fed,
My Achievements in 2015, By Rofeehat Adeola Adeyanju

My Achievements in 2015, By Rofeehat Adeola Adeyanju

My Achievements in 2015 , By Rofiat Adeola Adeyanju,                                                                    I came from a Muslim home but we do not practice Islam as we ought to,we just know that we

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Friday, 25 December 2015

Interview with  Bro Olatunji Abd.Hakeem Omotayo

Interview with Bro Olatunji Abd.Hakeem Omotayo

Sururah : Asalam Alaekum Warahmahtulah Wabarakatuhu Abd. Hakeem: Wa Aleikum Salam Waramothulahi Wabarakathu Sururah : Introduce yourself please Abd. Hakeem : My names are Olatunji Hakeem Omotayo, Graduate of

Thursday, 24 December 2015

The solution for this ummah is not by simply changing the rulers

The solution for this ummah is not by simply changing the rulers

The solution for this Ummah is not by simply changing the rulers. Change does not come by changing the rulers. Change comes when we change ourselves for the better,

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Interview With Bro Abd.Hameed Balogun Part 2

Interview With Bro Abd.Hameed Balogun Part 2

Sururah : What's Your favorite Quranic Verses Bro Abd.Ahmed: Quran 80 ,Suratul Abasa verse 35 to 37 Bro Abd. Ahmed: The verses are referring to a certain day that
Interview With Bro Abd.Hameed Balogun

Interview With Bro Abd.Hameed Balogun

Sururah : Asalam Alaekum Warahmahtulah Wabarakatuhu Brother Abd.Ahmed: Waalaikum Salam waramotullah wabarakatuhu.                     Sururah : Pls Sir, Can You introduce yourself Brother Ahmed: My name is Balogun Adekunle Abd.Hameed Brother

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Can we make Dua in Sujood? Answered by Shaykh Shaibu Asali

Can we make Dua in Sujood? Answered by Shaykh Shaibu Asali

UK  Are we allowed to make dua in the sujood of fard Salah alone or in the sujood of the Sunnah/Nafil Salah? Can we recite duas from the Quran

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

How to recharge phone from your bank account. (All banks) .

1.Access bank:*901* amount# 2.Eco Bank*326*amount# 3.Fidelity:*770*amount# 4.FCMB:*389*214*amount# 5.First Bank:*894*amount# 6.GTB:*737*amount# 7.Heritage bank:*322*030*amount# 8.keystone:*322*082*amount# 9.Sky bank:*389*076*1*amount# 10.Stanbic IBTC: *909*amount# 11.Sterling:*822*amount# 12.UBA:*389*033*1*amount# 13.Unity bank:*322*215*amount# 14.Zenith:*966*amount# or *302*amnt# (for mtn users)

Saturday, 12 December 2015

18 Q & A

18 Q & A

A traveler once came to the masjid to see the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) after greeting the Prophet (S.A.W), he was asked where he was from. The traveler replied

Friday, 11 December 2015

Dua and its benefits

Dua and its benefits

It’s amazing to see how great Dua really is. Let's look at some benefits of making Dua: BismilLahir Rahmaanir Raheem. 1. The loss of Pride and arrogance -
Jummah Day

Jummah Day

As-Salam alaekum warahmotuLlohi wabarokatuhu. My Brothers, Fathers, Mothers and Sisters in Islaam! Today is another Jumu'ah (Friday 29 Safar 1437 - 11 December 2015). These Are some of The

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Be Happy

Be Happy

Ibn Al Qayyim may Allah have mercy on him said the word (الحزن) – (sadness) does not appear in the Quran except in the form of forbidding it

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Our Islam ...Our Deen

Our Islam ...Our Deen

ISLAM is a beautiful religion and ALLAH has made it so easy for us to follow through our beloved PHOPHET MUHHAMMED (peace be upon him)...           Have we done anything

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Are You Living Your Purpose? by Khadija Abdus Sabur

Are You Living Your Purpose? by Khadija Abdus Sabur

So often, we get caught up in life – our goals, desires, relationships, and achievements. Of course, all of this has its place – however, as Muslims, it’s
Controlling Our Emotions As Muslimahs. By Amra Siddiqah

Controlling Our Emotions As Muslimahs. By Amra Siddiqah

Embrace Your Emotions, Control Your Actions Fact: Allah made women sensitive and emotional by nature.   Whether we like it or not or choose to admit it, a woman can go through

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Attention Please

Attention Please

🅰TTENTION!!! Pls Read this message, its very important to every Muslims.                                      Please do not send religious messages asking you to "forward to 10 people & good things will happen

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