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Tuesday 29 September 2015

Never Underestimate The Power Of Words


Once a Professor was giving a lecture to the university students about the power of positive attitude & thinking; & the power of words.

One of the students raised his hand & said, "I do not think words can change anything. They are mere words. Like if I keep saying: "Good fortune, Good fortune." That isn’t going to make me feel good. Nor does saying: "bad fortune, bad fortune" going to make me feel sad & depressed. They are just words & have no power whatsoever.

The Professor replied, " U Idiot, just shut up. U are such an ignorant fool that u do not understand a thing of what is being said."

The student was shocked, his face became red with anger & he started, "How dare u call me a fool!!! U are such a..." The Professor interrupted & said, "Please calm down, I didn’t mean to hurt u. Please forgive me for using such words" Then the Student calmed down.

The Professor resumed, "In fact that was the answer to ur question. The words I just said had a tremendous effect on u although I had no such intention to upset u. The words still played their role. While the latter words I said calmed u down.

This clearly shows the "POWER OF WORDS" The Student agreed with the Professor.

Words are powerful; they can destroy, humiliate & hurt but they can also inspire, encourage, soothe & be kind...
Once said they can never be unsaid.. Once heard they can never be unheard. Therefore, let's choose our words carefully...

Nabi Kareem sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said (to the effect):
“Whoever believes in Allah and the
  Last Day let him speak good or
   remain silent.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

“The best of Muslims is he from
     whose hand & tongue the Muslims
     are safe.”


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