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Friday 28 July 2017

To The Father Of Girls


Chef d'eouvre To the father of girls

It is said about the girl child:
"A man is still infertile in his offsprings until he is blessed with female children even if he has hundred males"

Zakiyyu Mubarak said:
"Whenever I'm sick, only Kareemah (his daughter) would ask after me. My male children would not"

In the girl children there is indulgence, no one knows it except the one who have them."

The Arab used to congratulate the one who who gave birth to girl :
"Congratulations on the (coming of) receptacle of good fragrance"

( perhaps before their Shaytan whispered to them to be burying them alive or among those who were not part of such barbarism- emphasis mine!)

Ya'qub Bint Bakhtan said: I have seven girls and each time a girl child is born to me I would visit Ahmad Bn Hanbal and he would say to me :

"O Abu Yusuf! Prophets of Allah are fathers of girls" and that would take away all my worry

It is said:
Having a male child is a favour while female is a means to righteous deeds.
Allah calls one to account for favour and reward for righteous deeds.

A poet said:

Girls are treasure of mercy
And repository of true love and fidelity

A girl child is an ornament, embodiment of companionship and happiness for the one who treats her well

From: Shaykh Muhammad Umar Bazmool

Translated by: Kamal Ahmed.

Wednesday 26 July 2017




We have a very wrong understanding about the meaning of halal slaughter. I was asked by a non muslim professor once what makes a meat halal and i didn't know an explanation and was embarrassed, but gave a vague answer saying that we say the prayer before we cut, that makes it halal. I came back and went through hadiths and articles written by muslim scholars and finally came to an understanding. I am going to explain it in a scientific way so that InshaAllah in the future u will be prepared if anyone asks you the same.


Ans: it is the undrained blood that contaminates the meat, which  makes it haram.
What non-muslim butchers do is completely chop of the head as a result of which the connection between the brain and the heart is lost hence the heart stops pumping/beating almost instantaneously, therefore there is no driving force to push the blood out of the body. As a result of this the blood stagnates in the veins and arteries and contaminates the meat. Scientifically blood is one of the best culture mediums to grow bacteria. Consuming meat contaminated with blood makes humans more vulnerable to infections and joint pains. (Joint pains because of high uric acid levels in blood)


Ans: we do not chop off the head completely, but instead we cut the main vein (jugular vein) in the neck first. This vein contains venous blood in high pressure and it directly connects to the atrium of the heart without any interference. This method of slaughtering preserves the connection between the brain and the heart which allows neural transmissions to be delivered. This keeps the heart pumping/beating until all the blood is drained off completely from every vein and artery in the body making the meat pure and thus halal. SUBHANALLAH.


Ans: Allah SWT has created fish in such a way that the moment it is removed from water the entire blood in its body is redirected to a part called the epiglottis in its mouth which turns bright red thus indicating that the blood is drained and the meat is pure. SUBHANALLAH




Alhajis and Alhajas, Amirs and Amiras, Aboos and Ummus, scholars and students, Imams and followers, brothers and sisters, brethren, it's time again to put on our thinking turbans and hijabs.Whoever has none, should please borrow one, and whoever has more, should please lend some.

While this may sound poetic like the puns of my amiable and witty friends, “Andre Skywalker” and “Reserved Single”, you may do well to ignore the rhymes and do just as instructed, for what is behind six, like Yorubas would say, is beyond seven.
Failure to put on, borrow from,  or lend one another our thinking headdresses (like it has been the case from times long anyway) would further sink the already submerged boat of the Muslim ummah in the country.

We are again at a time when the strength of unity fostered by Islam upon the Muslim Ummah is being jettisoned, shattered, ridiculed and threatened by Muslims themselves.

A serendipitous stumble on the statistical strength of Muslims in Nigeria, would hastily fill one with a sense of boastfulness, satisfaction, and fulfillment. However,  a clever analysis of our "place value" relative to other religious groups in the country would return one in a state of lachrymose. Politically, we are zero, academically, we are relatively far behind, economically, we are trailing, socially, we are second class, professionally, we no dey at all.

Check through any government owned university in Nigeria and work out the ratio of the Muslim professors to the non Muslim professors. Go to the government hospitals, and compare the number of qualified Muslim doctors to their non Muslim counterparts.

The Media is a no go area, don't even talk about it, how many Islamic channels or  prints do we have? In business,  count the number of private business establishments and work out the ratio of those owned by Muslims to those owned by non Muslims.
Go to any government organisation, count the number of directors that are Muslim and compare with those that are not.
Return to the University, count the number of Muslim students and compare with those of others. You remember the ratio in your set? At your workplace, how many of your Ogas are Muslim? Most companies now prefer recruitment via recommendation rather than the traditional random application, who is gonna recommend you? Do you have a brother there? Please note, that the word "Muslim" as appeared several times above does not refer to Muslims by mere nomenclature, it refers to Muslims indeed and in truth.

Now you see why your "bear-bear" remains a threat to the community despite your peaceful and gentlemanly composure.
Now You See why no one is ready to employ you because of your hijab, despite your qualifications. Now You See why "legislooters" would formulate laws with total anathema to Islam and we have to accept them bee bee naa ni, abi, we no geh mouth for there naa.

Little wonder why some misfits, miscreants and reprobates in the society would invade a mosque DURING RAMADAN! beat up the Imams and followers mercilessly, destroy properties all in the name of celebrating one nonsense festival, and nothing go happen.

Little wonder why an occultist group would intrude the house a highly placed Islamic scholar in the town, butcher him and the whole of his family and nobody would wink. Even the media is reluctant to report such, Shebi na Muslim dem kill,  nothing dey happen.

Little wonder why every action of the government is greeted by the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN with a foul cry of attempts to Islamise the country or marginalise the Christians, despite the opposite being the actual case. Little wonder why the introduction of Islamic bank in Nigeria would forever be met with chagrin opposition.

Thank God for Jaiz Bank. We now have one total zero interest bank out of a hundred traditional others, despite the emphatic stress on the issue of interest in Islam.

Little wonder why Islam is being "bashed" in and out by the media with no one seeming to come to its rescue.

Little wonder the use of hijab in secondary schools in the South West was so much detested that it took up to four years of ferocious legal battle before such FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT could be granted. And even when the judgement finally favoured the Muslims, some embittered and contemptuous sets of people still stand for road like Goliath, say "laye laye, una no go wear am!"... The list is just inexhaustible. We just plenty like 1000 soldier ants wey no fit carry one cube of shuga.

Recently, I witnessed the 4th convocation ceremony of Landmark University, Omu Aran, Kwara State. Landmark University is the second university owned by Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of the Living Faith Worldwide (AKA Winners Chapel), Covenant University in Ota, Ogun State being the first. In fact,  there are rumours that a third University is being established in Abuja, and would open very soon.

Towards the end of the ceremony,  it was time for the goodwill messages by the Vice Chancellors of other universities across the country. There were up to twenty private universities present with either their Vice Chancellor or a representative to deliver the goodwill messages. When I heard the names of the founder or Chancellor of each of these universities, I was shocked.

They are names of major top pastors or General Overseers of different Christian denominations. In fact, I got to know that virtually all Christian denominations in Nigeria now have their own universities. Sorry if you have known this before now, me I be JJC o, and the thing really shocked me when I started hearing "pastor Lagbaja, our father in the lord, Chancellor of so so so university".

But then,  there was another thing that shocked me. The governor of Kwara State, Gov. Abdulfatah Ahmad was to give a keynote address. He was absent but sent a representative, the COMMISSIONER FOR TERTIARY EDUCATION, one Mrs kinikan Ahmad. I was highly impressed with her opening, she was dressed modestly with her hijab, though not the long type but evident enough to know that she is a Muslim. When she stepped to the podium, she first greeted the Christian audience with "praaaaaaiiiiiiiise da Laaaaawwwwwd!"
and they chorused as usual "Haaaaaaleellluuuuuuuuyyyaaaaaah!" then she said

wow!  I was impressed. This is boldness, in the presence of Papa Oyedepo and his home fan?  I think I heard two or three people reluctantly replied "Allahu Akbar". Those three include myself and my brother beside me. You know the feeling when you mistakingly come across two or three grains of white beans out a bag of red ones.
That's not all. The usual opening of every speaker cum  pastor is *"can somebbbody shout Haleluyeeeeeeeeh"*
But this amazing woman made a break from the norm. She began with
*"Audhubillah minna sh shaitani rojeem, Bismillah Rahnani Raheem".*

Wow!  I couldn't help but to nod and clap her.
But then, one thing spoilt the show. Her accent and pronunciation of words. Oh, my Goodness! It was more like a comedy show for the students.
She mispronounced many words with her Kwaran accent (apology to Yusuf Aweda) so badly that you would have to apply decoding techniques to decipher that they are actually English words.

Each time she does a damage to an  English word, I gently look to the direction of the students, often with my eyes meeting with two or three others,  I see them  parodically echoing and murmuring the word to each other, thus making a caricature of her. I trust UNILAG students would have done worse. While my point here is not to mock her myself, it is important to emphasise how she has unwittingly presented Islam as a religion of mediocrity, of the uneducated, the riffraff, and substandard people. Most of us are guilty of this anyway, her dressing and opening pitched her as an ambassador of Islam, but her little grab of professionalism, ethics, and standards unwittingly signaled something negative of Islam. Well, she met their expectations anyway, they never expected that a Muslim would speak correct English in the first place.
Even In terms of civic or social responsibility, we are not there. I remember during last Ramadan, I volunteered with a friend on a project for a new charity group. We were to visit an orphanage and a prison. We had to search the whole of the island for an Islamic orphanage, we couldn't get any.

The only one we knew of was the "Bab Al Salam in  Ikeja, far from our target location, and thus we had to settle for the non Muslim one we got at Ajah. On the day of our visit there, while having a discussion with the proprietress, she told us the orphanage was founded by a church. We met with the children, and from my interaction with them,  I could see they have been trained perfectly along the Christian line, I could see pastors in the making, even from the ones that bear Muslim names. Well,  we dropped all the items we brought for them and left for the Prison at Ikoyi. From the gate,  after introducing ourselves, despite the fact that we have written a letter prior to that day, the first question the security men asked was "From which Parish are you from?" shuuuuu! Parish ke! Parish ko, Paris Club ni! But would you blame them?  After all, na only parish people dey come visit the inmates.

I am sure you wouldn't find it difficult to recall the many times you've found yourself as the only "standing Muslim" in one social committee or the other, at home, at work, at school, etc, and you're unable to make favourable decisions based on democratic reasons, thereby complying to whatever anti Islamic decision is being made. You feel intimated, you feel compromised, and lonely. You wish you could have more of you "Muslims" in the decision room. Unfortunately, there are none.

But then you may ask "Where are we?" *And here is where we are:*

Our youths are on the social media fighting each other over trivialities. We dominate the social media with stray bullets of brutal arguments and counterarguments over: whether it is allowed or not to say "Ramadan Kareem or Jumat Mubarak", whether it is allowed or not to pay Zakatul Fitr in money, whether it is allowed to recite adkhar in congregation or not, whether we can vote in election or not, whether second Jamaa is allowed or not, whether we should raise the hand before saying Allahu Akbar on Salat or vice versa, whether we can protest against a bad leader or not,  and a thousand, in fact a million others. The polemics become so much that  youths with no drop of knowledge in reality go to the social media to claim a fountain, and become an authority, often distributing Hell Fire, and labelling people of knowledge as Kufaar, OK,  contunu.

Meanwhile, our Christian counterparts are busy at places of empowerment, gaining knowledge and skills,  and taking up responsibilities in the society. The screen (of our smartphones and gadgets) seem to have screened away our sense of unity and render us powerless.

Our Babas are in the mosques,  fighting one another over control and leadership of the mosques. You would hardly find any mosque around today where the management committee and the imams aren't at war with one another. The mosque where I pray is a typical example.

My dad being a member of the management committee, is never please with the imam, "they are always fighting". Anytime I am away from home and I called, the first thing I ask him is "Daddy, shey e o ba Imam ja lote yii? " (Daddy, hope you didn't fight with the Imam this time around?) he would jokingly reply "Yi o ba Iya e" (Waka/your Mama!). Virtually, in every mosques,  the imams and the committee are always at difference.

Even in the University community where one would expect high sense of understanding, the elders of the community are always fighting the Muslim students over control and leadership. The case of MSSN UNILAG is germane here. Meanwhile, the churches are building schools and universities, setting up bookshops and other laudable projects while we continue to fight, at times we even go to the Kufaars to help settle our case.

Our mothers are at home,  fighting one another over polygamy. Maliciously battling whether to accept a second wife or not. Few days ago in the news,  I heard of a woman in Osun State who sent hired assassins to her husband just because he dared to go for a second wife. Meanwhile the Christian women are setting up clinics, and orphanages.

You know what is most annoying, actually ironical about all these? We are the ones that boast about the unity of our religion the most, and that's where the topic of this write up comes from.

There are differences among us, just as there are differences among people of other religions. But *the difference is different*. While the Christians openly declare their differences but internally,  they are one, forming a strong support to one another, we Muslims openly declare our unity, but internally,  we are divided. The Christians would tell you that a CAC member cannot worship in Redeem, a Living Faith member cannot worship in mountain of fire, etc but at the back stage, they move in same direction, they speak in one voice and they act uniformly. And that's why today they are leaders and playmakers of every aspect of the society. We Muslims publicly brag about our unity with our mouths, but right within, we hate, envy, fight, make contempt of each other and revel in enmity, isn't that hypocrisy?

_"...They were nearer to disbelief that day than to faith, saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts. And Allah is most knowing of what they conceal."_ Q3:167

Even the few ones among us doing well, rather than support them, we pull them down because of hatred, envy and enmity. And that's why we remain relegated members of the society.

_"The unbelievers are protectors of one of another. If you fail to do likewise, there will be disorder in the land and great corruption."_ Q8:73

Is it not high time we stopped bragging about our unity when we are actually not united? Should  we not  rather begin to mend our differences, and support one another like true brothers?
Most ironically, is that the refusal to   resolve our differences and support one another on the good, is a unanimous agreement to support each other on the evil. Argument breeds contempt, contempt breeds distrust, distrust breeds hatred, hatred breeds malice, and malice breeds other chains of evil.

_…Cooperate with one another in righteousness and piety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression. Have fear of Allah. Allah is stern in punishment._ Q5:2

The difference among the Christians pits  them as a single giant force in  front of all developmental phases of the society, while the difference among us, breaks our bond of unity and puts us in the rear. *Indeed, the difference is different.*

May Allah save us.

© *Yussuf Ayo*

Saturday 22 July 2017

Coconut Cake , Try this at home.


*coconut cake*
2 cups of flour
1 tbs baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 cup butter
2 cups of sugar
5 eggs (room temperature)
1 cup buttermilk
1 tsp coconut extract
1 cup flaked coconut
Preheat oven to 350 degrees f
Then, beat butter and sugar with an electric mixer in a separate bowl. Make sure you mix it till its light and fluffly and lighter in color
Grease and flour a pan (10 inch)

Mix flour, baking powder, and salt together and set aside
Then add the eggs, one at a time allowing each egg to blend into the butter mixture before the next
Then mix in coconut extract
Mix the coconut extract alternatively with the butter milk, until incorporated.
Pour the batter into prepared pan and bake for 1 hour
Add the coconut flakes. Just enough to evenly combine
Or you can use the toothpick pattern (ie, insert a toothpick and see if it comes out clean
Then your coconut cake is ready....

Chin-Chin Preparation


*Chin chin*
Now, let's make Chin chin
1kg flour
200g margarine
150ml whole milk or (70g powdered milk/75ml condensed milk, or 100ml evaporated milk)
Half tsp of baking powder (optional)
100g sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp ground nutmeg
3 raw eggs (optional)
Vegetable oil
Beat the egg and set aside
Pour sugar into a small bowl, add the milk and mix thoroughly
In a bigger bowl, add the flour, baking powder, salt, nutmeg, mix well and add margarine
Mix thoroughly with your hands until it looks like fine bread crumbs
[7Add the egg and the mixed sugar mixture. Mix well till you get a smooth but stiff Dough. Like this 👆🏻
Note: if you are using powdered milk, add water to it first
Now, flour a flat surface and place the dough on it and knead for few minutes. Roll the dough flat and cut into any shape of your choice
Note: The dough doubles in size when placed in oil so don't cut it too big
Heat up some oil until very hot and fry. Stir continuously until all Chinchin changes from white to brown.
Don't fry too many at a time, take them in batches. Transfer fried Chinchin into a pan and allow to cool completely

Chin-Chin Preparation


*Chin chin*
Now, let's make Chin chin
1kg flour
200g margarine
150ml whole milk or (70g powdered milk/75ml condensed milk, or 100ml evaporated milk)
Half tsp of baking powder (optional)
100g sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp ground nutmeg
3 raw eggs (optional)
Vegetable oil
Beat the egg and set aside
Pour sugar into a small bowl, add the milk and mix thoroughly
In a bigger bowl, add the flour, baking powder, salt, nutmeg, mix well and add margarine
Mix thoroughly with your hands until it looks like fine bread crumbs
[7Add the egg and the mixed sugar mixture. Mix well till you get a smooth but stiff Dough. Like this 👆🏻
Note: if you are using powdered milk, add water to it first
Now, flour a flat surface and place the dough on it and knead for few minutes. Roll the dough flat and cut into any shape of your choice
Note: The dough doubles in size when placed in oil so don't cut it too big
Heat up some oil until very hot and fry. Stir continuously until all Chinchin changes from white to brown.
Don't fry too many at a time, take them in batches. Transfer fried Chinchin into a pan and allow to cool completely

Snacks Time, let's get busy for the weekend.


450g of plain flour
2.5 tbs of yeast
5 tbs of warm water
25g of butter/margarine
1 large egg
180ml milk
50g sugar
1 tsp of salt
If you are using powdered milk, dissolve first
In another large bowl, add the remaining flour, sugar and salt. Mix well
Put yeast, 3 tbs flour, 5 tbsp warm water and mix together, cover and leave in a warm place to rise and begin to form bubble in it. Then set aside
Add the egg, milk, butter and the yeast mixture
Mix for about 10 mins. Then fold into bulb and place in a greased bowl.
Cover with a clean napkin or nylon, tilt to one side and leave for about one hour until the dough doubles in size
When the dough has risen, place on a floured table
Heat up the oil and fry the doughnuts for one minute on eax side and transfer to sieve
Use the wide top of a glass cup, cut the dough into doughnut rounds

Zobo (Preparation)



1 Derica cup of dry zobo leaves
1 glove of garlic
1 big piece of ginger
1 big very ripe pineapple
Enough water

Wash the dry zobo leaves repeatedly in cold water to remove dusts
*It may seem like the colors are washing off cos of the repeated washing, don't worry, it isn't*

2) wash, peel and cut the pineapple into thin slices. *(Some peoples add the peel of the pineapple but you have to be careful with it cos there might be dusts in it)*

Peel and cut the ginger and garlic into pieces
*(Note)*: I don't usually like garlics... So at times I skip it

Put the washed zobo leaves into a big pot

Add the pineapples and pour enough water

Start cooking and let it boil for 5 minutes

Add the ginger and the garlic

Then, add more water and keep boiling for at least 30 mins So that the zobo leaves will be completely soft and the pineapples tender

Turn off the heat and set aside to cool down completely

When cool, wringe out the juice from the pineapple and zobo leaves leaving only the zobo juice in the pot

Pour the juice through a sieve to take out the remaining large particles

Then pour through a chiffon cloth to remove the tiniest particles

Then, add any artificial flavours of your choice and stir

Pour into bottles and refridgrate

Monday 10 July 2017

Sunnah : Clothing


Bismillah -ir- Rahman -ir- raheem
Allah (The Exalted) has given us clothing to cover ourselves and to look good. Clothing saves us from cold weather and protects us in the heat too.

The true Muslim takes good care of his clothes, so you will see him presenting a pleasant appearance, without being extravant. He is pleasant to look at and to meet, and does not annoy people with his careless, dishevelled appearance. He always checks himself before he goes out to meet people, and he makes himself look good in front of his Companions, as well as in front of his family. Let us learn about the importance of clothing and the Sunnah.

Raised with those who you follow
Ibn 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) as saying, 'He who copies any group of people is one of them.'
The intention of the above is that whoever adopts the ways and manners of the unbelievers and evildoers will be a partner in their sins.
Respected brother / sister! Do not follow others, but follow our Prophet (may Allah be pleased with him). Whoever we dress like in this life, we will be raised with them. After reading this, we should change our dress to a humble and simple dress, the dress of our Prophet (may Allah be pleased with him). The sisters should follow the dress of the wives and daughters of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with him).

Curse men and women
Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) has reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) saying, 'May Allah (The Exalted) curse the men who make feminine looks and the women who adopt the resemblance of men.'
If we look around us today this is exactly what is happening. Meaning the men are taking their facial hair (beards) and are looking more like the women and the women are trimming their hair and wearing jeans and tops. May Allah (The Exalted) save the followers of His beloved Messenger (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) from the corruption of the devil.

Ibn Abu Malayka (may Allah be pleased with him) told that when some one remarked to 'Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that 'A woman was wearing men's sandals she replied that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) cursed masculine women.'
Allahu Akbar! Men should only wear mens' clothing and footwear. The women should only wear clothing and footwear that is for women. Do not even dress children with clothing of the opposite gender.

Wear white
Samurah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates from the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) that, 'Wear white as they are clean and clothe the deceased in them too.'

Abu Darda (may Allah be pleased with him) states that the Messenger of Allah, (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, 'To meet Allah (The Exalted) the best clothing for the mosque and in the grave is white.'
White clothing was very much liked by the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). We should try and wear white too and follow the Sunnah, Insha-Allah it will benefit us both in this world and the next.

Wear what you want
Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates from the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) that 'Eat and drink what you want (halal), give in charity and wear what you want (halal) until you do not over spend (waste) or have pride.'
This hadith is very much neglected, however, at the same time the most neglected is that many people do not check what they are eating, whether it is lawful or not. Allah forbid but there are people who know something is unlawful but make many excuses and follow the Shaytan and their desires by eating it. For a person who eats the forbidden, their Salaah and supplications will not be accepted and will be liable for the hell fire. We also learn to wear clothing according to the Shari'ah and do not show of with what you wear either.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Who Should Initiate The Salaam.....


*Who Should Initiate the Salaams, the Caller or the One who Answers the Phone* ? By Shaykh Muhammad Naasirudeen Al-Albanee(rahimahuLlaah)
Transmitted by Saalih ibn Taha Aboo Islaam

One day, he (Shaykh Al-Albaanee, may Allaah have mercy upon him) called me and I was not present, so my small daughter answered; saying, when she
picked up the receiver of the phone: “As-Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaah.” So the Shaykh asked for me, then said to her: “Inform your father that Muhammad Naasir Ad-Deen Al-Albaanee called.” (He didn’t say: ‘Shaykh.’ This is from his humility, may Allaah elevate his level in Paradise.)
So when I returned home my small daughter informed me (saying): “A man
called you named Muhammad Naasir Ad-Deen Al-Albaanee.” So I called him
immediately. After he had sought from me that which he wanted, he said to
me: “O Aboo Islaam, when I called you, your small daughter answered saying: ‘As-Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaah.’ Is this action based upon knowledge or is it a personal action from a child? We hope to benefit, O Aboo Islaam.”

This was also from his humility and his wisdom in Da’wah, may Allaah have mercy upon him.I said to him: “This is the action of a child, and the first time (she has done so). That which we know regarding this matter is that the person is to pick up *the receiver of the phone saying: Na’am; and one who is calling him is to give,Salaams, and he returns the Salaams to him, not that he (the one who is called) initiates the Salaam* " So he, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: “This is that which is correct, as far as we know. This is because the caller is similar to the one who is knocking at the door. There is no difference between them.”

May Allaah grant us the understanding.

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