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Monday 1 May 2017



Will it matter??

When you laying on your death bed and all  you see are the tears and fears in the eyes of your husband.

Will the huge fight you had with  him the week before matter? Will it matter?

When you are gasping for air, trying to read the kalimah for the last time, will all the gold jewellery tucked in your safe assist you? Will it matter?

When you take your last breathe and your soul is being tortured out of your body.

Will the enmity you have with your sister in law which led to you never speaking to her again matter? Will it matter?

When you are being given the ghusl and your lifeless body is being washed by others.

Will your haughty, proud and boastful attitude about your slim body be of any benefit? Will it matter?

When your body is being wrapped in white kafan and your head wrapped up.

Will your designer clothing be of any use or will you protest to being too young to wear the hijaab? Will it matter?

When your hearse awaits you to take you to your final abode.Will you insist on being driven in your Mercedes Benz? Will it matter?

When your body is laying on your living room floor as your family get one last glimpse of you.

Will the gossip, ridicule, slander, complaints and issues you had against them matter? Will it matter?

When your body is being lowered into the ground and sand is being poured over you.

Will the new Persian rug you bought for your lounge matter. Will it matter?

When the darkness of the grave engulfs your body and as your grave begins to close in on you. Will the world and all it contains matter. Will it matter?

When you are rotting in your grave and your decomposed body is being eaten by worms and insects, will the new MAC make up kit you bought matter? Will it matter?

Nothing matters more than your good character and good deeds..

May Allah open our eyes in this world to realise what matters most before he closes our eyes and then we will be forced to find out...



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