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Wednesday 31 May 2017

Frequently Asked Questions In Ramadan


If someone is fasting and mistakenly get a wound that has to do with blood to d extent of going 4 treatment, should he/she continue d fasting or not?

If the blood comes out through no deliberate action, such as an accident or nosebleed or an injury to any part of the body, his or her  fast is still valid even if the amount of blood is large. 

But if the blood that comes out through no deliberate action is of such a large amount that he becomes weak and unable to fast, then it is permissible for him to break his fast and he should fast another day to make up for it

And Allah knows best

The guidelines concerning the blood that invalidates the fast are as follows:

1 – If the blood comes out as the result of a person’s actions or choice; this is subject to further discussion:

(i)                If the blood comes out by means of cupping, this invalidates the fast, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The cupper and the one to whom cupping is done both break their fast.”

(ii)              If it comes out by a means other than cupping, such as venesection (opening a vein). If the amount is large and that has an effect on the person’s body, then this invalidates his fast (such as donating blood). If the amount is small and it does not harm the person, then it does not invalidate his fast, such as the small amount of blood that is taken for testing.

2 – If the blood comes out through no deliberate action, such as an accident or nosebleed or an injury to any part of the body, his fast is still valid even if the amount of blood is large.

Thursday 25 May 2017

Means of attaining barakah in our homes


Means of attaining barakah in our homes.

*Barakah* a word we here often but sadly we have lost it in our homes, so we find no barakah in time, nor in sustenance or our wealth and children, so what then is the key to barakah.

*🔑There are 8 keys to attaining barakah* :

*《1》Tilaawah of the Quraan:*
*‎قال الله تعالى*
*‎(وهذا كتاب أنزلناه مبارك)*

Ālmîghty ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل has made the Quraan al Kareem a source of barakah, if we ponder over its meaning and we live our lives according to its teachings . And for this reason our beloved messenger ﷺ said about the home in which Quraan is recited.
‎ (تسكنه الملائكة تهجره الشياطين ويتسع بأهله ويكثر خيره).
The malaaikahs live in it, the shaithaans flee from it and it expands for the family and goodness increases in it.

‎《2》  *البسملة وذكر الله:*
*Saying bismillah and making the zikr of Allah*
‎قال رسول الله صل الله عليه وسلم
‎إذا دخل الرجل بيته فذكر الله تعالى عند دخوله وعند طعامه، قال الشيطان لأصحابه لا مبيت ولا عشاء
The messenger ﷺ said: if a man enters his home and he mentioned ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــلs name upon his entrance and before he ate, Shaithaan says to his companions, there is no home nor food for you here.

‎《3》 *الصدقة:*
From the means of attaining barakah in a home is to give sadaqah ........especially secret sadaqah because it stands against calamity.

‎《4》  *صلة الرحم*:
*Maintaining family ties*
And indeed our messenger ﷺ has informed us that maintaining family ties, and observing good character.....
increases our sustenance and our lives
《5》  *Waking up early to search for your rizq*
‎جاء في الحديث  (بورك لأمتي في بكورها) أي الخروج لطلب الرزق باكرا" .
It is mentioned in a Hadith
*( Give glad tidings to my ummah in the early parts of the day)*
Which means - those who leave their homes to search for their rizq in the early parts of the morning.

‎《6》   *إقامة الصلاة*:
*Establishing salaah on its fixed time is a means of attaining barakah*
‎، قال الله تعالى
‎«وأمر أهلك بالصلاة واصطبر عليها لا نسألك رزقا "نحن نرزقك والعاقبة للتقوى»
And enjoin As-Salat *(the prayer)* on your family, and be patient in offering them
[i.e. the Salat (prayers)].
We ask not of you a provision , We provide for you. And the good end (i.e. Paradise) is for the Muttaqun .

‎《7 》  *التوكل على الله حق توكله:*
*Putting our trust in ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل as HE should be trusted*
As is mentioned in a Hadith
*‎«لو توكلتم على الله حق توكله* *لرزقكم كما يرزق الطير، تغدو خماصا"وتروح بطانا"»*
If you trust ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل as HE should be trusted , HE will sustain you as HE provides for the birds, they leave hungry in search for food and return full.

*《‎8》* _*الاستغفار:*_
*Seeking Repentance*
Making lots of Istighfaar.

*‎والاستغفار بحد ذاته مصدر للرزق ،*
And Istighfaar on its own is a means of Increasing our sustenance
‎كما قال نبينا صلى الله عليه وسلم
Just as Nabi ﷺ said:
Whoever makes Istighfaar ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل will make a way out of every difficult situation for him,
And HE will ease his sorrow, and HE will sustain him from where he perceives not.
*‎«من لزم الاستغفار جعل الله له من* *كل ضيق مخرجا " ومن كل هم فرجا"* *ورزقه من حيث لا يحتسب»*

*‎متعنا الله وإيّاكم بالبركة والرضا*

_*May ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل bless us with lots of barakah and contentment

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Distancing Yourself From Hypocrisy


🖼Distancing Yourself From Hypocrisy | Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq

📖 Do you know the definition of Imaan? This definition, and acting upon it, is the key difference between the believer and the hypocrite.  In this beneficial lecture Ustadh Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq explains some key principles, including this, regarding one\'s Imaan. The speaker also briefly goes what the word Islam means, and the three things which make up a person\'s Islam.

These two basic and important concepts of a Muslim\'s faith have been mentioned in the Quran and The Sunnah both together, and separately. When this happens, these different scenarios cause them to take on different meanings. Ustaadh reiterates and goes through it in detail, making that it is clear to the listener.

A Muslim may say that their Imaan increases and decreases, so since Islaam and Imaan have such a close relationship, can a Muslim say that their Islaam increases and decreases? This intriguing question is clarified and explained in the audio by the speaker.

The significance of learning about one\'s Imaan and Islaam separates them not only from hypocrisy but from deviant sects. Sects who have made major errors in their aqeedah (belief), from among them are the Murjiah. To understand this further, listen to the audio.

All of this is part of his series of classes which goes through the Forty Hadeeth of Imam An-Nawawi, a compilation of hadeeth which all issues of the of the shariah revolve around.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Kindness to our partner


*Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem


🎗Kindness to the Wife brings Joy to Life.
In Islam a husband is required to treat his wife with affection, respect her feelings, and show her kindness and consideration.

The husband should not show the wife any aversion or subject her to suspense or uncertainty.

These guiding principles are established from the Quran and Sunnah and when implemented, bring about a great deal of peace and harmony in marriage.

*Wife as a Source of Peace*

Allah says in the Noble Quran
*“And among His signs is that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find contentment in them, and He has instilled between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for people who reflect”.*
(Quran 30:21)

For a wife to become a source of peace and contentment she has to be in a peaceful relationship. Therefore the treatment of the husband to the wife is of great significance in realizing this purpose.

A husband’s treatment towards his wife should reflect a Muslim’s good character, which in turn is a reflection of the man’s faith.
In this regard the Prophet peace be upon him said

*“The best among you are those who are best to their family and I am the best to my family.”*
(Tirmizi, ibn Majah)

🎗Kind treatment generates true and deep seated love for the husband in the wife’s heart.
The wife in turn becomes eager and enthusiastic to serve her husband and accords him the honour and respect he deserves.

*The Wife – A Treasure without Equal*

For a Muslim, a good wife is the best treasure a man can possess, after belief in Allah and following His commands, she is considered the key to happiness. According to a Hadith, the Prophet  said to `Umar ,

*“Shall I tell you the best a man can treasure? It is a good wife. If he looks at her, she gives him pleasure; if he orders her, she obeys; and if he is away from her, she remains faithful to him".*
(Abu Dawood)

The Prophet (SAW) also said,
*“Whoever is granted a good wife, he is helped to practice half his faith, let him obey Allah in the second half”*. (Mishkaat)

*The potential to become a source of true pleasure is vested in every wife.*
*It is the responsibility of the husband to unlock this potential and utilize it for the benefit of his own life and that of his family.*

*Like any treasure or wealth that one possesses it must be looked after, kept safely and constantly nurtured for it to maintain its value.*

*This principle shall to a greater extent apply to the wife who is regarded as the treasure of all treasures.*
*Any form of misuse, abuse and maltreatment of this treasure will lead to diminishing the good that this treasure delivers and shall become a source of sin and accountability to Allah Ta’ala.*

Thursday 11 May 2017

Ramadan preparation


Brief tadabbur of the Quran,1 juz a day with Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan~

If you're planning to Read & Understand Quran this Ramadan but don't have enough time to go through the entire text and translation then spare some time & listen to the short explanation of some verses from each Juz per day. It will hardly take 5-10mins!

Juz 1:

Juz 2:

Juz 3:

Juz 4:

Juz 5:

Juz 6:

Juz 7:

Juz 8:

Juz 9:

Juz 10:

Juz 11:

Juz 12:

Juz 13:

Juz 14:

Juz 15:

Juz 16:

Juz 17:

Juz 18:

Juz 19:

Juz 20:

Juz 21:

Juz 22:

Juz 23:

Juz 24:

Juz 25:

Juz 26:

Juz 27:

Juz 28:

Juz 29:

Juz 30:

Preparation for Ramadan



1. Pray together.
Wake up before suhoor and observe a minimum of two rakahs together. If possible, go to the mosque for tarawih together. Once in a while, skip witr at the mosque so that you can say it together at home. Supplicate for each other in your local language.

2. Eat together.
There is barakah in suhoor; how much more when you eat together? Better still, eat from the same plate, at the same time.
Abu, go home and eat immediately after magrib, that's not the appropriate time to start gisting with your friends!
Ummu, as much as you're watching your weight, ditch the oatmeal once in a while and eat Semo with Abu; there is love in sharing!

3. Read together.
Choose a time for reciting, memorising and studying the meaning of the Qur'an. You can do this individually, but it sticks better when you study together. Select ahadith, stories of the Prophets etc. and discuss the lessons. If the children can join, the more the merrier.

4. Play together.
Ramadan is a time to recharge our faith. Does that preclude having some fun? No. In fact, Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ãla),  stated it categorically, just a few verses after He commanded us to fast, that couples can have intimacy during the nights (Qur'an chapter 2 verse 187). However, care must be taken during the day. The Prophet (saw) used to kiss his wives while fasting but that's because he could control his desires perfectly; not for every Talha, Dawood and Hamzah!!!

5. Be together.
If you have unclaimed leave at work, take it in Ramadan and be together. It's easier to communicate more lovingly because you wouldn't want to say anything hurtful when you know you're fasting. It's also easier to settle any scores between you, because you would have more control over your temper, in shaa Allaah.

6. Compete with each other.
Race to complete the Qur'an in a given number of days. Race to memorize ayãt or suwar of the Quran. Race to learn new ahadith. Set rewards and subtle punishments for achieving or failing to meet up with deadlines respectively. If you have kids, give them age-appropriate tasks too.

7. Cook together.
It's not written anywhere that wives must do all the cooking. Abu, please, be chopping the vegetables while Ummu is pounding the yam. Attend to the baby while she's stirring the Ogbono. Take the garbage out while she's washing the dishes. You're helping her save energy for other things and iftar will be ready in no time!

8. Go together.
A big sheikh is coming to town to deliver a lecture? Go together. A friend invited you to his house for iftar? Go together. You want to take advantage of Umrah in Ramadan? Go together (if you can afford the expenses). And yes, you can also go for i'tikaf together; especially where the mosque has adequate facilities for women and children.

9. Shop together.
Buying in bulk is more advisable so that you can save time for your 'ebaadah. Hence, shopping together is more likely to help you so that you won't leave out anything. If possible, buy everything you would need for zakatul fitr and the Eid celebration, all at a go.

May Allaah enrich our purses, strengthen our relationships and increase us in Emãn. Aameen

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Online Marriage Advisers


Aboo Bannat
Like I always say,
Many of us will come online to tell you how beautiful, merry and colourful marriage is, but nobody willl come online and post his/her marital problems for you to see, yet we all have our problems, so don't be deceived!
For a person to wake up and tell you not to cook while she cooks thrice daily for her own husband is sheer deception, do not swallow everything you see!
When it comes to marriage, everyone has an opinion or advise, but mention fiqh, and only few people will be talking.
Whoever marries anyhow person from facebook and makes whatsapp , instagram and other social media his/her marriage counsellor, such a person will soon spend her iddah on social media!
The bulk and burden of livelihood lies on the husband while the woman should take care of some internal affairs, this doesn't mean the husband should not assist him when he is available, this does not also mean the wife should not assist him when he is broke, sacked, indebted e.t.c.
Your husband is your ATM, infact he is your master card and visa card, withdraw from him whenever you need money from him, but whenever he is unable to dispence cash or out of service, then you may transfer from your bank to him! Simple.
As a woman, you shouldn't expect that after staying at home all day, your husband who is just coming home after a hard day's job should be the one to come and cook for you and the kids again!
The fact that you saw raj preparing pizza for chopra in bollywood is not a daleel.
The fact that you saw robert preparing cheese for catherine in hollywood is not a hujjah!
The fact that you were raised in a 50/50 home is not a reference point, your family is not a daleel!
Islam has made everything clear already, each spouse has their roles, but they should assist the other.
There is a difference between intelligence and common sence, not everything is taught in school.

Answers from the Quran to our questions





"Do men think that they will be left alone saying, 'We believe', and that they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false." [29:2-3]

    *2) WE ALWAYS ASK: Why I never get what I wanted?*


" It is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing, which is bad for you. But Allah knows, while you know not." Surah Al-Baqarah [2:216]

    *3) WE ALWAYS ASK: Why was I burdened this way?*


"Allah does not place a burden to a soul greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns."Surah Al-Baqarah [2:286] & "So verily, with every difficulty there is relief: (repeated) Verily, with every difficulty there is relief. "Surah Al-Insyirah [94:5-6]

    *4) WE ALWAYS ASK: Why am I losing hope?*


"So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For you will be superior if you are true in Faith." Surah Al-Imran [3:139]

    *5) WE ALWAYS ASK: How can I face it?*


"O you who believed! Persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; and fear Allah that you may prosper." Surah Al-Imran[3:200] & "And seek (Allah's) help with patient, perseverance and prayer: It is indeed hard, except to those who bring a humbly submissive (to Allah)." Surah Al-Baqarah [2:45]

    *6) WE ALWAYS ASK: What do I get from all these?*


"Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and properties (in exchange) for that they will have the garden (of Paradise)..." Surah At-Taubah [9:111]

    *7) WE ALWAYS ASK: On whom could I depend?*


"(Allah) suffice me: there is no God but He: On Him is my trust- He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme." Surah At-Taaubah [9:129]

    *8) WE ALWAYS ASK: But I can't take it anymore!*


"...and never give up hope of Allah's Soothing Mercy; truly No one despairs of Allah's Soothing Mercy, except Those who have no faith." Surah Yusuf [9:87] & "Despairs not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives All sins for He is Often- Forgiving, Most Merciful." Surah Az-Zumar [39:53].

If Allah loves you more than the others, He will test you more than others! Stop asking 'Why Me?' Instead praise Him more and more!

MAY Allāh ﷻ Guide us in all our challenges to his Beautiful answers in AL-QURAAN.....

Monday 1 May 2017



Will it matter??

When you laying on your death bed and all  you see are the tears and fears in the eyes of your husband.

Will the huge fight you had with  him the week before matter? Will it matter?

When you are gasping for air, trying to read the kalimah for the last time, will all the gold jewellery tucked in your safe assist you? Will it matter?

When you take your last breathe and your soul is being tortured out of your body.

Will the enmity you have with your sister in law which led to you never speaking to her again matter? Will it matter?

When you are being given the ghusl and your lifeless body is being washed by others.

Will your haughty, proud and boastful attitude about your slim body be of any benefit? Will it matter?

When your body is being wrapped in white kafan and your head wrapped up.

Will your designer clothing be of any use or will you protest to being too young to wear the hijaab? Will it matter?

When your hearse awaits you to take you to your final abode.Will you insist on being driven in your Mercedes Benz? Will it matter?

When your body is laying on your living room floor as your family get one last glimpse of you.

Will the gossip, ridicule, slander, complaints and issues you had against them matter? Will it matter?

When your body is being lowered into the ground and sand is being poured over you.

Will the new Persian rug you bought for your lounge matter. Will it matter?

When the darkness of the grave engulfs your body and as your grave begins to close in on you. Will the world and all it contains matter. Will it matter?

When you are rotting in your grave and your decomposed body is being eaten by worms and insects, will the new MAC make up kit you bought matter? Will it matter?

Nothing matters more than your good character and good deeds..

May Allah open our eyes in this world to realise what matters most before he closes our eyes and then we will be forced to find out...


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