May 2017 | Deen Talks Nigeria

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Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Frequently Asked Questions In Ramadan

Frequently Asked Questions In Ramadan

If someone is fasting and mistakenly get a wound that has to do with blood to d extent of going 4 treatment, should he/she continue d fasting or not?

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Means of attaining barakah in our homes

Means of attaining barakah in our homes

Means of attaining barakah in our homes. *Barakah* a word we here often but sadly we have lost it in our homes, so we find no barakah in time,

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Distancing Yourself From Hypocrisy

Distancing Yourself From Hypocrisy

🖼Distancing Yourself From Hypocrisy | Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq 📖 Do you know the definition of Imaan? This definition, and acting upon it, is the key difference between the

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Kindness to our partner

Kindness to our partner

*Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem *KINDNESS TO THE WIFE BRINGS JOY TO LIFE* 🎗Kindness to the Wife brings Joy to Life. In Islam a husband is required to treat his wife

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Ramadan preparation

Ramadan preparation

Brief tadabbur of the Quran,1 juz a day with Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan~ If you're planning to Read & Understand Quran this Ramadan but don't have enough time to
Preparation for Ramadan

Preparation for Ramadan

9 WAYS TO STAY CONNECTED WITH YOUR SPOUSE THIS RAMADAN. 1. Pray together. Wake up before suhoor and observe a minimum of two rakahs together. If possible, go to

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Online Marriage Advisers

Online Marriage Advisers

Aboo Bannat ONLINE MARRIAGE ADVISERS. . Like I always say, Many of us will come online to tell you how beautiful, merry and colourful marriage is, but nobody willl
Answers from the Quran to our questions

Answers from the Quran to our questions

*WE ASK* *1) WE ALWAYS ASK: Why was I TESTED?*     *AL-QURAN ANSWERS:* "Do men think that they will be left alone saying, 'We believe', and that they will

Monday, 1 May 2017



Will it matter?? When you laying on your death bed and all  you see are the tears and fears in the eyes of your husband. Will the huge fight

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