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Thursday 30 March 2017

Don't sell this Lowly Dunya for a Lovely Jannah


Whether it's a scholar, a student of knowledge, an imam or just a normal person like ourselves; every single person is going through his or her own tests.

If you take a millionaire, you will find he has worries. Take a poor man and he also has worries. Take anyone in between and you'll find concerns and worries there aswell.

Such is the nature of this dunya. Right until we leave this world we will be faced with tests and trials. Some will be minor but others will feel like they will break us. When we are going through the test it's difficult but afterwards we always see how Allah gave us patience and perseverance to deal with it.

Compare the blessings of this life to just some of the delights of jannah:

○ In this life wealth comes and goes. One day you are rich but the next you might be poor
♧ In Jannah there is no poverty. The soil is of musk and trees of gold. Rivers of water, honey, wine and milk. Palaces and hollowed out pearls miles high

○ In this life you have energy and ability one moment, but the next moment you're tired or perhaps you're ill
♧ In Jannah there is no fatigue or illnesses or death. It is pure ever-lasting bliss

○ In this life you're children or family are in danger from thieves or animals or oppressors
♧ In Jannah there is no ill feeling and no thieves or oppressors. There is pure safety

○ In this life your wife might leave you or marry again after your death
♧ In Jannah the hooris can only see their husbands and they are only for them

○ In this life there are bills and taxes and financial worries
♧ In Jannah everything is free and forever

○ In this world our beauty fades
♧ In Jannah the people will continue increasing in their beauty

○ In this world our neighbours might be difficult or ill-mannered
♧ In Jannah the neighbours will be the scholars and righteous and martyrs

○ In this world we have the speech of Allah
♧ In Jannah the people will see Allah

So don't sell Jannah for this lowly dunya. Don't sell an eternity of happiness for a short moment of pleasure. May Allah grant us Jannah, Amin .


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