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Thursday 30 March 2017

Don't sell this Lowly Dunya for a Lovely Jannah


Whether it's a scholar, a student of knowledge, an imam or just a normal person like ourselves; every single person is going through his or her own tests.

If you take a millionaire, you will find he has worries. Take a poor man and he also has worries. Take anyone in between and you'll find concerns and worries there aswell.

Such is the nature of this dunya. Right until we leave this world we will be faced with tests and trials. Some will be minor but others will feel like they will break us. When we are going through the test it's difficult but afterwards we always see how Allah gave us patience and perseverance to deal with it.

Compare the blessings of this life to just some of the delights of jannah:

○ In this life wealth comes and goes. One day you are rich but the next you might be poor
♧ In Jannah there is no poverty. The soil is of musk and trees of gold. Rivers of water, honey, wine and milk. Palaces and hollowed out pearls miles high

○ In this life you have energy and ability one moment, but the next moment you're tired or perhaps you're ill
♧ In Jannah there is no fatigue or illnesses or death. It is pure ever-lasting bliss

○ In this life you're children or family are in danger from thieves or animals or oppressors
♧ In Jannah there is no ill feeling and no thieves or oppressors. There is pure safety

○ In this life your wife might leave you or marry again after your death
♧ In Jannah the hooris can only see their husbands and they are only for them

○ In this life there are bills and taxes and financial worries
♧ In Jannah everything is free and forever

○ In this world our beauty fades
♧ In Jannah the people will continue increasing in their beauty

○ In this world our neighbours might be difficult or ill-mannered
♧ In Jannah the neighbours will be the scholars and righteous and martyrs

○ In this world we have the speech of Allah
♧ In Jannah the people will see Allah

So don't sell Jannah for this lowly dunya. Don't sell an eternity of happiness for a short moment of pleasure. May Allah grant us Jannah, Amin .

Wednesday 29 March 2017

What to do when your imaan is weak....


Do you feel when you pray you cannot concentrate, and lack in kushu? You don’t feel like praying or reading Qur’an? Or that when you do read Qur’an, you do so without concentration? Does this feeling really bother you and you're not sure what to do about it or how to snap out of it? And at times you find your Imaan stronger, you pray with kushu and you enjoy reading the Qur’an with focus and understanding, you do dhikr and you are so motivated and happy when you do any form of worship, but struggle to keep the ibadah consistent? well believe me you're not alone!

We all go through these ups and downs.  There are many reasons to that and once we know them we can help ourselves stay in the higher phase of Imaan most of the time. When you feel your Imaan is getting weaker make sure you do the following:

1. Go back and recall what you've been doing in the past few days, weeks? May be gossiped or watched too much T.V. and delayed your prayers or did not wake up to pray fajr or you are not giving sadaqa when you have the means to do so…etc. Every time you do something which Allah doesn’t approve of, your heart gets covered with a layer which thickens with time until it weakens your Imaan. Allah SWT says in the Quran: (Nay! But on their hearts is the Ran (covering of sins and evil deeds) which they used to earn).

Find those reasons and start working on them.

2. Sit down peacefully and recall Allah’s blessings on you…..your health, your children, your education, your rizq, you being a Muslim, you being in a better situation than millions, you being in a safe home instead of the street, you being warm instead of cold, you being able to pay sadaqa, you not needing to beg others for rizq and many many blessings which Allah granted you and is granting you every single day. Imagine life without your loved ones, imagine life without your sight, imagine life with a serious disease, and imagine life without guidance and without Islam. This should help you appreciate and say #Alhamdulillah and see the nea’mah of Allah on you which will help you focus more and worship with appreciation.

3. Sit down and picture your death, lay down on the floor and close your eyes and imagine them preparing you for your Janazah, undressing you, moving you from one side to the other washing you and there is nothing you can do, you can’t even cover yourself and your awrah, they have to do that instead…. Completely helpless, the body you strived to cover all your life is being exposed. The clothes you are wearing which were once yours aren't yours anymore and those shoes that used to be yours but are no longer yours anymore, nothing is yours any more. You left all your belongings at home, your family are still with you but as soon as they place you in the grave you are alone… alone with just your deeds, just your sadaqa, just your prayer, just your Dhikr. You moved from the phase of A'mal (work) and no hissab (Judgment) to the phase of hissab and no A'mal.

4. Wake up at night just 40 mins to one hour before fajr, it is the time when Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala comes to Sama’a Dunya (the first heavens) and calls as related in the following hadith and ayah of in Quran:

Abu Hurairah reports that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “Our Lord Descends to the lowest heaven during the last third of the night, inquiring: `Who will call on Me so that I may respond to him? Who is asking something of Me so I may give it to him? Who is asking for My forgiveness so I may forgive him?”[ Bukhari and Muslim.]

“And during a part of the night, pray Tahajjud beyond what is incumbent on you; maybe your Lord will raise you to a position of great glory.” [(Al-Isra’ 17:79]

SubhanAllah, so wake up and pray and talk to Him, tell Him how you feel, say Ya Allah my heart is becoming so hard, my Imaan is going down. Do Isthighfaar at that time so Allah can lift those layers which are weakening your Imaan, and you will be registered in sha Allah from those who do Qiyyamul Layl. Just few minutes earlier than the time you always wake up and you get tons of ajr and maghfirah. SubhanAllah how can we let such a golden opportunity go to waste, how can we waste that time in sleeping?

5. Search the net (YouTube is full of beautiful lectures from different Sheikhs) or better yet, find a book and read about Islam, Imaan, and Ihsaan, or anything that will help you scrap those hard layers from your heart. (Keep in mind to search carefully shuyukhs with correct Aqeedah). Don’t just sit and feel bad about it, strive to better yourself and Allah will always open a door for you. Imaan is like a mizan (scale) it increases and decreases based on our daily deeds. It’s a constant battle but if you follow these techniques you will always be the winner In sha Allah. Don’t listen to the Shaitaan when he comes to you and tells you: you have been bad, how can you dare ask Allah for anything, you have no right to do so….!!! That is his way to keep you away from Du’a and from Allah.
He plays with you the game of guilt so you stop talking to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'Ala and you stay away under the reason of guilt. Don’t give him a chance. Go back to Allah and ask him for what ever your heart desires.

May Allah guide us and keep us on the path of Imaan until we breath our last. Aameen Ya Rabb.

Please do share, so that it may benefit others! Jazaakumullahu khair.

Marraige ( Giving Gifts )


Giving gifts to your spouse, and how effective a gift is to communicate your love to your sweetheart. 

But how about I tell you that not only will it put more love into your marriage, but you will get rewarded for it by Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala)!!! 

How cool is that! 

So let's purify our niyyah (intention): While giving a gift to your spouse, keep in your mind that it is the “Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (ﷺ)”. 

The Islamic Perspective!

Gift-giving is one of the acts that Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) recommended us to do. It was narrated that Aaishah (RA) said: 

“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) would accept gifts and reciprocate for them.”[Narrated by Bukhari]

Also, Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: “And give the women (on marriage) their dower as a free gift; but if they of their own good pleasure remit any part of it to you , take it and enjoy it with right good cheer.”[An-Nisaa: 4]

'Mahr' is an obligatory condition in marriage in Islam, whereby the groom offers a gift to the bride. Islam encourages the giving and taking of gifts, but these gifts must be of one's own free will and choice, and not something which are demanded by the receiver or custom.

Returning the Favour!

The one who receives the gift should also respond in kind to the favour. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Whoever does you a favour, respond in kind, and if you cannot find the means of doing so, then keep praying for him until you think that you have responded in kind.” [Abu Daawood]

Say Jazak Allahu Khayran!!

One good way to respond is to say 'Jazak Allaahu khayran' (may Allaah reward you with good). Usaamah Ibn Zayd said: 

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever has a favour done for him and says 'Jazak Allaahu khayran' has done his utmost to thank him.” [At-Tirmithi]

Exchanging of gifts definitely strengthens the bond of love between spouses. The Prophet (SAWS) said: “Exchange gifts, as that will lead to increasing your love to one another.” [Al-Bukhaari]

Simple and Practical Gifts!!!

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) lived a simple life, so he gave his wives simple and practical gifts. All the wives were given two grinding stones, a water pitcher, and leather pillows as marriage gifts. Some also received a mahr (bride-gift of money).

So don't underestimate the power of gifts. Not only does modern studies prove that giving gifts increases love between spouses, but more importantly it is recommended by the Prophet (ﷺ).

So what I would advise you is to use this tool and make it a source of getting closer to your hubby/wifey!


And on top of all this, get ajar for doing so!!!

May Allah fill your marriage with love and happiness!

Irfan Ullah Khan
Marriage Success Coach
Happy Muslim Family

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Reminder for everyone .....


"When a glass is broken, the sound of breaking disappears immediately whereas the glass pieces are scattered over the ground hurting whoever walks over it".

Similarly, "when you say something that hurts people's emotions and feelings,the voice disappears immediately but the heart remains in pain for long."

Therefore, don't say anythiñg except good and remember always  the nine advises and prohibitions that Allah Almighty gave us in Suratul Hujurat (The Sura of Islamic manners) before you say something to anyone:
1- فتبينوا:
"Fa Tabayyanu": Investigate: when you receive an information,lest you harm people out of ignorance.

2 - فأصلحوا:
"Fa Aslihu"
Make settlement: between your brothers as believers are brothers.

3- وأقسطوا:
"Wa Aqsidu": Act justly: whenever there is a dispute try for settlement and act justly among both parties as Allah loves those who act justly.

4 - لا يسخر:
"La Yaskhar": Don't ridicule people,perhaps they may be better than you to Allah.

5 - ولا تلمزوا:
"Wa La Talmizu": Do not insult one another.

6- ولا تنابزوا:
"Wa La Tanabazu": Do not call each other with offensive nicknames.

7-  اجتنبوا كثيرا من الظن:
"Ijtanibu Kaseeran min AlZan": Avoid negative assumptions, indeed some of the assumptions are sins.

8 - ولا تجسسوا:
"Wa La Tajassasu" Do not spy on each other.

9-  ولا يغتب بعضكم بعضا:
"Wa La Yagtab": Do not backbite each other. Its a major sin equivalent to eating your dead brother's flesh.

Lastly Allah said in Qur'an "remind for the reminder benefits the believers".
May Allah continue to Bless and guide us in all our affairs.


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