March 2017 | Deen Talks Nigeria

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Thursday, 30 March 2017

Don't sell this Lowly Dunya for a Lovely Jannah

Don't sell this Lowly Dunya for a Lovely Jannah

Whether it's a scholar, a student of knowledge, an imam or just a normal person like ourselves; every single person is going through his or her own tests.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

What to do when your imaan is weak....

What to do when your imaan is weak....

Do you feel when you pray you cannot concentrate, and lack in kushu? You don’t feel like praying or reading Qur’an? Or that when you do read Qur’an,
Marraige ( Giving Gifts )

Marraige ( Giving Gifts )

Giving gifts to your spouse, and how effective a gift is to communicate your love to your sweetheart.  But how about I tell you that not only will

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Reminder for everyone .....

Reminder for everyone .....

"When a glass is broken, the sound of breaking disappears immediately whereas the glass pieces are scattered over the ground hurting whoever walks over it". Similarly, "when you say

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