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Sunday 22 January 2017



By hummuh_haiman
I don't know where this idea of being modest is bad. It's almost like it's shameful to be modest in today's world. And I'm not talking about dress code here, I mean it most definitely applies here, but I'm talking more how we act and talk.
Being modest isn't bad, being shy isn't shameful. Society makes those who are more modest/shy in their actions, dress and speech seem as if they can't be opinionated, can't be tough and thick skinned, can't be authoritative, can't be independent. Being modest/shy doesn't  mean you're weak. That's simply not true. Modesty and shyness are beautiful characteristics that are almost rare now.
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Shyness does not bring anything except good."
It just annoys me because so many society assumes that if a person is modest/shy then they can't do anything, or that they are lacking. For example, if a guy is modest and shy they question his manhood. Why? Him being shy and modest doesn't make him any less of a man. So if a man doesn't act out all sexual like half these coconuts then he's not Macho macho? That he's a softy? That he's not independent?  The stupidity in this idea is unreal. If a woman is modest/shy you say she's oppressed, she's prude, she's too innocent. So a woman needs to be sexual to prove that she's an independent strong willed woman?
The reason why I'm talking about this is because I see everywhere boys and girls trying to prove something by losing their modesty. Like, 'oh look at me, look what I can give you, look what I can do, look what I did.' What are you getting at? You want a cookie? Sit down pls.
Let me put it like this, a woman or man who is shy/modest isn't lacking in anything. It doesn't make them any less man or woman. It's self respect, its a way of life  and most importantly it's in the deen. Modesty plays a huge role in Islam, but society has taught us  otherwise. Not everyone wants to sexualize everything. Some people want to keep things private or unknown.
So if you're shy/modest don't be ashamed. Don't try to change yourself to fit in, to be a bad b, or to be a wasteman. At the end of the day, you do a halal way


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