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Wednesday 7 February 2018

People of the Sunnah


People of the Sunnah Be  Kind to  One Another.

    The Solution to the Current Fitnah of (Tajreeh) Defaming People and (Hajr) Ostracizing Them That is Coming From Some of the People of Ahl-us-Sunnah of Our Time*

The way to end this fitnah is as follows: Firstly:  Regarding (the  problems)  related to (Tajreeh) defaming one another and (Tahdheer) warning against one another,  the following points should be observed:
1.  Anyone who has busied himself  with defaming the scholars and the students of knowledge  and warning against them  should fear Allah.  And *instead, he should busy himself with looking for  his own faults  so  that he might get rid of them instead of busying himself with the faults  of others.*
     And he should endeavor to keep his  good  deeds from being given to those he has distressed by defaming them and maligning their character.  After  all, he will be in more need of his good deeds than anyone else on the Day when neither wealth nor sons will avail,  except him who brings to Allah a clean heart.74

2.  Instead of busying himself with defaming others and  warning  against them, he should busy himself striving  hard  to  obtaining  beneficial knowledge  that  will  benefit him as well as others. One of the best things that a person can do –if he is able –  is  to  busy  himself  with  knowledge; learning it, and teaching it, and calling to it, and writing about it,  so that he might be from the people who build things up. 
       And he should not busy himself  with  defaming the scholars and the students of knowledge from Ahl-us-Sunnah, cutting off the pathway to benefiting from them,  and  thereby  becoming  one of   the people who tear things down!  The  person who busies  himself with defaming others in this way does not leave behind  any  beneficial knowledge  when  he  dies. And when he dies, the people do not lose a knowledgeable person that was of benefit to them, rather as a result  of his death they simply become safe from his evil!

3.  The students from Ahl-us-Sunnah  in every place  should turn themselves away (from this fitnah)  and busy themselves with knowledge;  reading beneficial books, and listening to  the  audio  tapes  of the  scholars  of Ahl-us-Sunnah, like Shaykh ibn Baaz and Shaykh ibn ‘Uthaymeen,  instead  of busying themselves calling such and such person or  such  and  such  person  in order to ask: “What is your opinion about such and  such  person  or  such  and such person.” or “What is your opinion about the statement of such and such person or such and such person.”
73 And  Allah  disapproves  for  you  (qeela  wa qaala) talking about  what  was said  and what  somebody  said. Refer once again to  the  hadeeth  on page 10 please.

74  Refer to  Surah Ash-Shu’ara:  88-89. 

4.  When the  students of  knowledge want  to ask  about the condition of other (students of  knowledge or scholars), then they *should refer their question  to  the  headquarters of The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and  Fataawa  in Riyadh* in order to ask about them.  After  all,  are these the people who are returned to for fataawa  and knowledge or  not? *And whoever  has any information about the ( لﺎ لﺎ) condition  of specific  people, then it  is possible  for him  to write a letter to the headquarters of The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fataawa*, explaining to them what he knows about them  so that they might look into it. That way,  if  there is any (Tajreeh) or (Tahdheer)  warning  against  someone, then it comes from those who are returned  to  and  depended  upon for fataawa, and from those who knowledge is taken from. And there can be no doubt that the proper place to  turn  to  for fataawa in these matters is the same place that should be returned to in order to find out from whom fataawa should be  sought.  And from  whom  should we seek knowledge?  *Furthermore,  no one  should try to establish himself as  the  one who is returned to for these important matters!*  Because,  from the good Islam of a person is his leaving off that which does not concern him!75

Secondly: Regarding (the problems) related to the writing of refutations against those who have made a mistake,  the following points  should  be observed:

1.  A refutation should only be made for  clear mistakes  and then the refutation should be made  utilizing  kindness and gentleness, and with a strong desire for the person to  be  free  of  the  mistake.  The refutations made by Shaykh ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) should be referred to in order to learn the proper way of making a refutation.
75  Here the distinguished author is  referring to  a   hadeeth  narrated upon the authority  of Abu Hurairah (τ) who said  that the Messenger of  Allah  (ρ) said: .
    “From the good Islam of a person is his leaving off that which does not concern him.” [Narrated by  Imam  At-Tirmidhi  and  authenticated by Shaykh  Al-Albaani in  Saheeh  Sunan At-Tirmidhi  (Vol. 2, page 530-531, # 2317

People of the Sunnah Be  Kind to  One Another


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