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Friday 23 June 2017

Eid In Islam


*بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم*

(Rulings on Eid)

It is *haram* to fast on the days of Eid because of the hadeeth of Abu Sa;eed al-khudri (R.A), who said that the Messenger of Allah pbuh forbade fasting on the day of Fitr and the day of Sacrifice (Adhaa). (Reported by Muslim, 827)


✔ *Some scholars say that Eid prayers are waajib* (obligatory):This is the view of the
*Hanafi scholars* and of *Shaykh Al-Islam ibn taymiyah* (May Allah have mercy on Them).

They say the prophet (pbuh) always prayed the Eid prayer and never omitted to do it, not even once. They take as evidence the aayah (Interpretation of the meaning),
“Therefore turn in prayer to your lord and sacrifice (to him only).
{Al-Kawthar 108:2}

i.e., The ‘Eid prayer
and the sacrifice after it, which is an instruction, and the fact that the Prophet (pbuh) ordered that the women should be brought out to attend the ‘Eid prayers, and that a woman who did not
have a jilbaab should borrow one from her sister.
[See Tamaamul Minnah: by Al-Albaanee:
p.344. Refer to Al-Mughnaee by Imaam ibn Qudaamah: vol. 2, p. 223.]

✔ *Some scholars say that Eid prayer is Fardul Kifaayah* This is the view of the Hanbalees. Refer to Al-Mughnaee by Imaam ibn
Qudaamah: vol. 2, p. 223

✔ *A third group say that ‘Eid prayer is sunnah mu’akkadah.* This is the view of the Maalikis and Shaafa’is. They take as evidence
the hadeeth of the Bedouin which says that Allaah has not imposed any prayers on His slaves
other than the five daily prayers. Refer to Al-Mughnaee by Imaam ibn Qudaamah: vol. 2, p.

✔ *Muslims should be keen to attend Eid prayers*, Expecially since the opinion that its waajib is based on strong evidence. The goodnesss, blessing and great reward one gets from attending Eid prayers, and the fact that one is following the example of the prophet pbuh by doing so, should be sufficient motivation.


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