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Thursday 16 June 2016

Istigfar: Do Not Stop Making Istigfar


Don't stop asking Almighty Allah for forgiveness.
A man once came to Hasan Al-Basri and said," I am poverty stricken". He replied: 'seek ALLAH'S forgiveness'.
Another came and said, "My wife is barren" yet again he replied: Seek ALLAH'S forgiveness". Another came and complained of lack of rain for the farm crops, again he replied  "Do istighfar"! The people who were present said to him : "Everytime a person came complaining of a problem, you instructed them to seek ALLAH'S forgiveness?" He Hasan al-Basri said "Have you not read the statement of Allah?". It says: Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Truly HE is Oft-Forgiving. HE will send rain to you in abundance; increase you in wealth and children; grant you gardens and bestow on you rivers"-  Nuh 71: 10-12
Only two things on earth gives you safety and security from the punishment of ALLAH. One has been removed, the second still remains. As for the first, it was Muhammad-the messenger of ALLAH. Allah SWT  said to Muhammad (SAW)  "ALLAH will not punish them while you were among them" - Anfal 8:33
The second is Istighfar: "ALLAH will not punish them as long as they sought forgiveness" Anfal 8:33
Do not leave ISTIGHFAR!
I Beseech ALMIGHTY ALLAH subhanahu wata'ala to forgive us, help us make easy our affairs and bless us with all good that we desire.
Amin ya rabbi


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