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Wednesday 13 April 2016

A question from Allah…to you.


By Mohammed Faris

Stop for a minute.. Slow down.. and don’t skim read this.. Let’s have a real conversation.. About something important..actually someone important.. About you..
“About me?!” you ask? Yes, you.
I am speaking to you. The one who’s reading this. Maybe this is the first time we speak to each other. Maybe you’ve met me before in real life somewhere or read any of my e-mails. But today, I’m speaking directly to you..
I want us both to slow down, pause and think about a question.. This question is not a random question that I came up with on my own, but a question that Allah poses to me, to you, to all of us, in the Quran..
It’s not an easy question and you’ve probably read it hundreds of times, especially that the question occurs in Juz’ Amma which we perhaps memorized when we were kids…
But today, I want you to read the Question as if it was posed directly to you… no, don’t pretend, it is directed to you.. Ready?.. Ok, here goes:
Allah asks you in the Quran: “So where are you going?” 81:26
Close your eyes and think about this question for a minute…and think about Who’s asking..
**Close your eyes..just for a minute and think**
Ok, open them.. “So where are you going?”.. Do you have the answer?.. There are many levels to this question.. but instinctively, you know what this question is about.. Instinctively, you realise that it’s not asking about where you’re going to work or school or university… but asking where are you going with your life..
Where are you heading.. with all the ups/ downs/ hopes/ dreams/ disappointments..the frustrations/anxietieis/excitements.. the missed prayers, missed opportunities to do good, miss behaviour perhaps.. Where are you going with all of this?

Where are you going?..

When I think about this question.. I think about asking it in 6 different areas of my life..and in each area, there are some sub-questions that I pose to myself first and I’m sharing it with you here to start thinking about them too..

So, where are you going with your Islam?

  • What will your Islam look 10 years from now?
  • Will your practice level of your deen be the same 5 years from now?
  • How would you ensure that your practice of Islam grows over time and does not stagnate (or even decline!)?

So, where are you going with your Nafs/Manners/Akhlaq?

  • What negative character traits would you drop in 1 year’s time?
  • What positive character traits would you pick up in 1 year’s time?
  • How close is your manners/akhlaq aligned to how Allah SWT and His Messenger want you to be.. and how would you train yourself to get there?

So, where are you going as a Family?

  • Are you actively planning your family’s well-being in dunya and akhira?
  • Do you have regular discussions with your parents, siblings, spouse, children about where are you going as a family in terms of this world and the next?
  • How can you ensure that you plan as a family without being “too controlling”?

So, where are you going with your Work?

  • Will you be in the same role/position that you’re in now at work 5 years down the line?
  • Are you upgrading your skills/knowledge to acquire higher positions or deserve the promotion by next year?
  • Is this the work/career that you want to be in for the next 10-15 years and will it be meaningful enough for you in the end?
  • What are you planning to do after retirement?

So, where are you going as a Community?

  • Are you connected to your neighbors & local-community – both Muslim and non-Muslim?
  • Are you actively involved in helping improve the community both in small things, e.g. ensure a safe clean neighbourhood. Or big things, e.g. helping your community members be successful in dunya and akhira?
  • How are you planning, interacting, and working with your community so that you all improve?

So, where are you going as an Ummah?

  • What’s your role in the Ummah’s growth?
  • Are you a reason for the Ummah’s success or its failures?
  • What are you contributing towards your Ummah?
These six questions should keep coming to our minds whenever we remember the verse “So where are you going?”..
Is it a lot to think about it?..It is.. However, what’s the alternative?.. Continue to blindly stumble upon life..hoping things work out?..
Don’t think so.. at least that’s not how a ProductiveMuslim should live..
Hope you’re finding this useful.. feel free to share with me your thoughts/ideas.. May Allah bless you and keep you always productive :)


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