April 2016 | Deen Talks Nigeria

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Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Allah's Pardon

Allah's Pardon

What’s the difference between Maghfirah (مغفرة ) and 'Afuw (عفو )? Maghfriah: is for Allah to forgive you for the sin but the sin will still be registered on

Monday, 18 April 2016

5 Easy Ways to Incorporate the Sunnah in Your Life

5 Easy Ways to Incorporate the Sunnah in Your Life

The Prophet Muhammad  was sent by Allah  as a mercy to the worlds, so that we may be guided to Allah  and achieve eternal happiness, just by following his example. The best
Good Deeds

Good Deeds

The Grave is calling......! Listen very very carefully! Oh son of Adam! I'm full of darkness so bring with you the light of Salaat.  I'm a place of fear,

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Death...The Destroyer Of All Pleasure

Death...The Destroyer Of All Pleasure

DEATH..."THE DESTROYER OF PLEASURE A man is born today, Tomorrow he is dead. A man lives in  a mansion today, Tomorrow he lives underground. A man drives a car

Thursday, 14 April 2016

10 Tips For Unmarried Sisters

10 Tips For Unmarried Sisters

1. Never fail to pray before saying yes to a man. Don’t be in a hurry to get married. (Istikhara will do). If you rush in, you may
Give Meaning To Your Salah

Give Meaning To Your Salah

But why do you really pray? Do you pray because you need something? Do you pray because you want something? Do you pray because you are just told
Dusting Of Bed- Sheet

Dusting Of Bed- Sheet

The wisdom behind dusting one bed sheet before sleeping. Why should we dust our bed sheets?                                                      This is what is what we're going to reveal               The Prophet S.A.W                                       
Give Meaning To Your Salah

Give Meaning To Your Salah

But why do you really pray? Do you pray because you need something? Do you pray because you want something? Do you pray because you are just told
Dusting Of Bed- Sheet

Dusting Of Bed- Sheet

The wisdom behind dusting one bed sheet before sleeping. Why should we dust our bed sheets?                                                               This is what is what we're going to reveal               The Prophet saw:                                                 
Just Keep Doing Good Deeds

Just Keep Doing Good Deeds

You have returned home and you are tired, you have carried groceries required at home....suddenly your mum asks : " have you brought me milk?!"smile and tell her "give
10 Tips For Unmarried Sisters

10 Tips For Unmarried Sisters

1. Never fail to pray before saying yes to a man. Don’t be in a hurry to get married. (Istikhara will do). If you rush in, you may
Everyday Lesson

Everyday Lesson

The Prophet peace be upon him narrated. "Convey from me, even if its one verse (Ayah)" Maybe forwarding this message to others can be beneficial for your Intercession
What A Husband Needs From A Wife Is Never Sex

What A Husband Needs From A Wife Is Never Sex

Sex is an important element in marriage and until there is sexual intercourse between a husband and a wife, the marriage is not yet spiritually recognized. This shows
Mother and Children chat

Mother and Children chat

Daughter: (Coughs out) Hmmm…It is well o Mum: (looks up at her, then continues picking her beans) Any gist for momma? Daughter: (Looks at her) Mum. I think
How To Drink Water

How To Drink Water

How to drink water ?  As per Sunnah. The Sunnah way of drinking water is :- 1. Drink water with your right hand. 2. Drink water by sitting. 3.


Relax! You will get there! All things will finally work together for your good Route may differ Check this out! Mathematical differences 2+5=7 6+1=7 3+4=7 7-0=7 7+0=7 9-2=7 8-1=7

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

A question from Allah…to you.

A question from Allah…to you.

By Mohammed Faris Assalamu’alaikum, Stop for a minute.. Slow down.. and don’t skim read this.. Let’s have a real conversation.. About something important..actually someone important.. About you.. “About me?!” you ask? Yes,

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Why should I Forgive?????

Why should I Forgive?????

BISMILLAH RAHMAN RAHEEM......... Here's two greatest reasons to forgive. Even if u don't feel like forgiving or someone has hurt u real badly , do it only with

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Couples Satisfaction

Couples Satisfaction

When a wife complains of her husband's sexual weakness, I ask her, what have you done to increase his sexual prowess? ? The kind of food you feed your

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