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Tuesday 19 April 2016

Allah's Pardon


What’s the difference between Maghfirah (مغفرة ) and 'Afuw (عفو )?

Maghfriah: is for Allah to forgive you for the sin but the sin will still be registered on your book of deeds.
Maghfirah is Allah’s forgiveness for your sin but on the Judgment Day it will be written on your record, Allah will ask you about it but HE won’t punish you because of it

Afuw: is for Allah to forgive you for the sin and delete it from your book of deeds as if it did not happen.
Afuw is Allah’s pardon for your sin, it will be completely erased from your record and Allah won’t ask you about it on Judgement day

This is why our Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said that, this is the best Duaa to make on Laylatul Qadr:

"Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'annee"
(Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Tirmidhi)

O Allah, You are The One Who pardons greatly, and You love to pardon, so pardon me.)"

So make sure you read this dua all the time and as much as you can. Make it one of your daily athkaar.

Monday 18 April 2016

5 Easy Ways to Incorporate the Sunnah in Your Life

The Prophet Muhammad ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) was sent by Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) as a mercy to the worlds, so that we may be guided to Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) and achieve eternal happiness, just by following his example. The best part is, the life and practices of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) are by their very nature extremely easy to implement!

Why Follow the Sunnah?

The benefits and importance of following the sunnah are clearly outlined in this unequivocal verse of the Qur’an:
“Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If you (really) love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Qur’an: Chapter 3, Verse 31]
If that isn’t enough to motivate us to follow our beloved Prophet’s ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) way of life, Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) tells also us in a hadith qudsi:
“…My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him. And My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it…” [Bukhari]
Apart from the above, following the sunnah has worldly benefits too: our Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) was an incredibly productive person, so by following his sunnah, we automatically draw from his productivity techniques – thereby enhancing our own productivity.

Following the Sunnah in the 21st Century

With our lives being so far distanced from the Prophet’s ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him)(both in time and location), it can be difficult to see how implementing his example can be easy. Here are 5 practical ways to incorporate the sunnah into your life:

1. Find Out What It’s About

To follow the sunnah, you first need to know what it’s all about. This involves gaining knowledge – but make sure that the information you’re getting is authentic; since the benefit is in following the real sunnah, not the cultural and non-authentic religious practices that are sometimes rife in our communities.
Regarding sources of authentic knowledge, you can learn from classes, articles, lectures, or any other well-trusted means. And if you find bite-size pieces more effective, you can ‘subscribe’ to the sunnah by making use of the many regular channels that are available. For example, many of today’s popular ulama (scholars) use social media to provide a continuous stream of beneficial knowledge – such as daily hadiths, Qur’anic reminders, and sunnah-based advice. If you use such technologies, seek out and subscribe to these scholars’ feeds.
To go deeper into the topic, read books that are based on the authentic sources and find qualified teachers to explain what you read in order to confirm your understanding.

2. Seek Good Friends

Our Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) taught us that your company contributes tremendously to the very course your life will take – he ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said:
“Man is on the religion of his friend, so let every one of you examine whom he befriends.” [Tirmidhi]
Try to surround yourself with good people who will remind you of the sunnah. It’s good to be around those who verbally remind you, but it’s even better to be around those who actively practice the sunnah themselves. Humans are imitative creatures by nature, so merely being in the company of such good influences is bound to inspire you to follow their example.

3. Make It a Habit

Following the methodology of Productive Muslim’s Productive Habits seminar, actively think of how you can turn your selected sunnahs into everyday habits. This involves:
  • identifying the sunnah: i.e. the action itself
  • knowing what the reward for following the sunnah is
  • finding an effective trigger that will remind you to do the action.
Say you want to implement the sunnah of making wudu before sleeping every night. The cycle could look like this:
Action: Making wudu before sleeping each night.
Identify the reward: Forgiveness will be sought for you by an angel (wow!) – as per the hadith: “…Whenever a slave spends his night in a state of purification, an angel spends his night within his (slave’s) hair and he does not turn over during the night except that he [the angel] says: ‘O Allah, forgive Your slave, for he went to sleep in a state of purification.’” [Reported by at-Tabaranee. See Saheeh al-Jamee (3831)]
Trigger: Identify the last thing you do before getting into bed – for example, brushing your teeth. Make that the trigger, telling yourself that from now on, after you brush your teeth, you’ll make wudu.

4. Identify and Relate the Sunnah to Your Roles

There have been many great people in the history of humanity, and many of them have been taken as examples and role models by the people of their time and future generations. However, our Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) is unique in that he is a flawless, timeless, universal role model: every other human had some flaws and negative sides to their character, but he ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) is the only one whose every aspect of life can be taken as a positive example.
He fulfilled a number of different roles in his life: he was the leader of the Muslim community, a husband, a father, a teacher, an army commander, a statesman and much more. Look at all his roles and find one those that relate to your own life – for example, if you’re a teacher, study the aspects of his seerah relating to his teaching methods. Take him as your ultimate role model in your job – learn his sunnahs as a teacher and try to incorporate that into your own teaching style.
By making the sunnah very specific – instead of letting the whole body of it overwhelm you – you can find in our Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) your ultimate role model for any important role you play in life.

5. Set Visual Reminders

“And Remind, for verily a reminder benefits the believer.”  [Qur’an: Chapter , Verse 55]
We humans are visual creatures, but in our modern societies, more often than not, what we see in the outside world calls us to vice and sin – like as the pornographic and materialistic advertisements all around us. One way of countering this is to use your sight in a beneficial way – by looking at that which reminds you of goodness, such as sunnahs you can implement. In your home or workplace, stick up visual reminders of the sunnahs you want to follow. These could be as simple as post-it notes, or as complex as Islamic infographics.
Aside from these tips, there are many other practical ways to incorporate the sunnah into your life. Feel free to suggest some in the comments section, and if you plan to try out some of the advice given in this article, come back later and let us know how it’s working out for you.
May Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) help us all to incorporate the sunnah into our lives so that we may earn His love, forgiveness, and ultimately, success in both this life and the next, Aameen!

Allahu Allam..... 

Good Deeds


The Grave is calling......!
Listen very very carefully! Oh son of Adam! I'm full of darkness so bring with you the light of Salaat. 
I'm a place of fear, so bring with you the peace of Al-Quran. 
I'm full of snakes and scorpions so bring with you the Sunnah of our Beloved Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam). 
I'm full of punishment so bring with you the reward of charity/sadaqah. 
Get up when you hear the ADHAN, just like when you hear your phone Ring❗
Read the QUR'AN carefully like you read your Text❗
Fear ALLAH, like you fear Death❗
Remember Death, like you remember your Name❗
How many minutes does it take for each Prayer❗
🍇"FAJR" 4/6 Minutes❗
🍇"ZUHR" 6/8 Minutes❗
🍇"ASR" 6/8 Minutes❗
🍇"MAGHRIB" 5/7 Minutes❗
🍇"ISHAA" 7/10 Minutes❗
Total 28/39  Minutes per day out of 24hours  Let's think about it do we really have time for  ALLAH

Saturday 16 April 2016

Death...The Destroyer Of All Pleasure



A man is born today, Tomorrow he is dead.

A man lives in  a mansion today, Tomorrow he lives

A man drives a car today, Tomorrow an ambulance
drives him.

A man eats whatever he wants today, Tomorrow he
becomes food for insects.

A man is always early for work today, Tomorrow he
is termed late Mr/Mrs.

A man is seen resting in his house today,
Tomorrow he is resting in a coffin.

A man wants to be a hero and goes to war for his
country but in return, he is termed FALLEN HERO.

A man eats all kinds of fruits in his house today,
Tomorrow he becomes manure to those trees.

A man is on suit today, Tomorrow he is on shroud

A man is known today as the richest man ever,
Tomorrow he doesn't even know where or what will
happen to his riches.

What is life after death???
Plan your life because you may not see tomorrow not to think of next minute

But when your life is well planned you won't Be
afraid of any thing.

Don't be proud that you are something  whereas you are nothing

As the day passing we are moving near to our grave.
Al-Qiyam is certain,don't be deceived by shaytan.


ALWAYS BE A HELPING HAND TO OTHERS. And stop bragging that u are SUPERIOR.

Thursday 14 April 2016

10 Tips For Unmarried Sisters


1. Never fail to pray before saying yes to a man.
Don’t be in
a hurry to get married. (Istikhara will do).
If you rush in, you may rush out with a lot of
2. Discover Your Purpose before marriage.
Go To School Or Learn a trade. If possible and
worry not if
Don’t wait for a man before you start living.
Add value to yourself and leave a good life.
3. Don’t run after a man because of his money,
position, talent, or family background.
Marry a man on the basis of his taqwa or
righteousness not
leaving out his Love for u.
4. Develop a healthy eating habit.
You can reduce your fatness through exercise.
It takes discipline to do that.
5. Dress well: First Impression counts.
Don’t expose any of your private part for men to
otherwise you
might only attract a player not a responsible man.
6. Don’t beg or force a man to marry you.
You are too precious to do that.
And don’t try to hook and keep a guy with sex or
Many ladies who do that end up in shame and
7. Your character is your marriage.
It makes a man want to spend the rest of his life
with you.
So Work on your character.
Beauty is not everything.
If it is all you have, you’ll lose your place to
someone more
beautiful and more matured than you.
8. Never fail to learn how to cook good food.
Men usually love a woman who feed them with
good food
one of the easiest way to a man’s heart is through
9. Never fail to read books about marriage and
family before your Nikaah.
The marriage you don’t prepare for will confuse
you when
you get
Attend marriage seminar and premarital counseling
10. Never fail To rely on Allah before Marriage.
A Marriage Without Allah Is Bound To Experience

Give Meaning To Your Salah


But why do you really pray? Do you pray because you need something? Do you pray because you want something? Do you pray because you are just told so? Come, think of it, and ask yourself, why do you pray?

Many thoughts are coming now to your mind, right?
Yes, we have all our own reasons why we pray to Allaah, but before anything else, let it be known that you pray because it is not because you are told so but because you are obliged to do so, it is the first pillar of Islam.Realize that Allah never gets tired of Providing and Sustaining for your needs, He forgives you as long as you repent yet when He calls you to pray and have a talk with Him, you refuse?
Salah is a gift and a mercy from Allah. It is the best form of giving thanks to Allah, best way to have a talk with him and pour everything that is in your heart without being ashamed because you know Allaah can be the only One who can bring such comfort in your heart, you know that when you pour out your feelings to Him, He comforts it by letting your tears fall from your eyes which in return gives such relief in you, have you ever notice that?
Yes, when we cry, we release all out the stress, hatred and pain away from our hearts, that is a mercy from Allah, so when you cry it doesn’t mean you are weak, it just means that you are being comforted by Allah, there is nothing wrong on crying. It is a gift, so embrace it.

When you pray, concentrate, do not be fast on uttering the words of the Qur’an, feel every word, there is nothing wrong if you take long in salaah, it is a moment gifted to you by Allah , so make it count.
When you pray, Stay focused, remember sooner or later, death may come upon you, so pray as if it is your last, cry, because with all the sins we have committed, we should cry, cry out for forgiveness from Him, for every minute that we have displeased Him, He tells us…

Muhammad sallallahu allaihi wassalaam said in a Hadith Qudsi that Allaah said:"O son of Adam, as long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as its.”

Subhan’Allaah, how can a heart full of sins cannot call out for forgiveness to the One Who says I will forgive you?Every time, every time and i mean every single time we pray our Salaah, make it the most meaningful one. Make it so meaningful that your du’a would make the angels say Amin with you. When you got lost, He didn’t put you astray more, rather He called you back, wallahi He gave you that honor back, so why are you putting this honor away by not praying?

We are bound to return to our Lord soon, either I go first or you go, all of us will. So make everyday count, you are given 5 gifts everyday,open it, fill it, embrace it and make use of it. Remember, not all the people in this world is given this honor of having a talk with Him 5 times a day, We are blessed for we are Muslims and Allaah Azza Wa Jalla honored us that.
  Now, are you up for another talk with ALLAH?

Dusting Of Bed- Sheet


The wisdom behind dusting one bed sheet before sleeping.
Why should we dust our bed sheets?                                                     
This is what is what we're going to reveal              
The Prophet S.A.W                                        "Whoever goes to his bed, he should dust his bed three times, because he doesn't know what was left behind....".                                                
Most people think it is a way of eliminating small insects but don't know that the issue is so much greater than that...                                                                           It is very sad to find that most of us ignored such teachings of the Prophet PBUH.

Wudhu And Depression!
One of the doctors revealed an amazing discovery in his speech by saying, “I get the face of patients with depression washed five times per day and after few days their disease reduced.
Then I get the face,hands and feet of a similar group of patients washed five times a day and they healed up to a great extent.
”The same doctor accepts in the end of his speech that the problem of depression is less in Muslims as they wash face, hands and feet (i.e. during Wudhu)several times daily.

Wudhu and The Blood Pressure!
A heart specialist assures that if a patient of hypertension is asked to perform Wudhu and then his blood pressure is checked, his B.P. will be definitely lower.
A Muslim Psychiatrist states, “The best cure for psychiatric patients lies in Wudhu.”The western experts get body parts of
psychiatric patients washed several times like Wudhu.

Wudhu and Paralysis !
Even the order of washing organs during Wudhu is beneficial.Washing of hands in the first step motivates the nervous system of the body and then slowly effects transmit towards veins of face and brain.
The order of washing hands, then mouth-wash, then nose-wash and then washing of remaining organs reduces probability of paralysis.

Give Meaning To Your Salah


But why do you really pray? Do you pray because you need something? Do you pray because you want something? Do you pray because you are just told so? Come, think of it, and ask yourself, why do you pray?

Many thoughts are coming now to your mind, right?
Yes, we have all our own reasons why we pray to Allaah, but before anything else, let it be known that you pray because it is not because you are told so but because you are obliged to do so, it is the first pillar of Islam.Realize that Allah never gets tired of Providing and Sustaining for your needs, He forgives you as long as you repent yet when He calls you to pray and have a talk with Him, you refuse?
Salah is a gift and a mercy from Allah. It is the best form of giving thanks to Allah, best way to have a talk with him and pour everything that is in your heart without being ashamed because you know Allaah can be the only One who can bring such comfort in your heart, you know that when you pour out your feelings to Him, He comforts it by letting your tears fall from your eyes which in return gives such relief in you, have you ever notice that?
Yes, when we cry, we release all out the stress, hatred and pain away from our hearts, that is a mercy from Allah, so when you cry it doesn’t mean you are weak, it just means that you are being comforted by Allah, there is nothing wrong on crying. It is a gift, so embrace it.

When you pray, concentrate, do not be fast on uttering the words of the Qur’an, feel every word, there is nothing wrong if you take long in salaah, it is a moment gifted to you by Allah , so make it count.
When you pray, Stay focused, remember sooner or later, death may come upon you, so pray as if it is your last, cry, because with all the sins we have committed, we should cry, cry out for forgiveness from Him, for every minute that we have displeased Him, He tells us…

Muhammad sallallahu allaihi wassalaam said in a Hadith Qudsi that Allaah said:"O son of Adam, as long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as its.”

Subhan’Allaah, how can a heart full of sins cannot call out for forgiveness to the One Who says I will forgive you?Every time, every time and i mean every single time we pray our Salaah, make it the most meaningful one. Make it so meaningful that your du’a would make the angels say Amin with you. When you got lost, He didn’t put you astray more, rather He called you back, wallahi He gave you that honor back, so why are you putting this honor away by not praying?

We are bound to return to our Lord soon, either I go first or you go, all of us will. So make everyday count, you are given 5 gifts everyday,open it, fill it, embrace it and make use of it. Remember, not all the people in this world is given this honor of having a talk with Him 5 times a day, We are blessed for we are Muslims and Allaah Azza Wa Jalla honored us that.
  Now, are you up for another talk with ALLAH?

Dusting Of Bed- Sheet


The wisdom behind dusting one bed sheet before sleeping.
Why should we dust our bed sheets?                                                               This is what is what we're going to reveal              
The Prophet saw:                                                  "Whoever goes to his bed, he should dust his bed three times, because he doesn't know what was left behind....".                                                        Most people think it is a way of eliminating small insects but don't know that the issue is so much greater than that...                                                                                                         It is very sad to find that most of us ignored such teachings of the Prophet PBUH.

Wudhu And Depression!
One of the doctors revealed an amazing discovery in his speech by saying, “I get the face of patients with depression washed five times per day and after few days their disease reduced.
Then I get the face,hands and feet of a similar group of patients washed five times a day and they healed up to a great extent.
”The same doctor accepts in the end of his speech that the problem of depression is less in Muslims as they wash face, hands and feet (i.e. during Wudhu)several times daily.

Wudhu and The Blood Pressure!
A heart specialist assures that if a patient of hypertension is asked to perform Wudhu and then his blood pressure is checked, his B.P. will be definitely lower.
A Muslim Psychiatrist states, “The best cure for psychiatric patients lies in Wudhu.”The western experts get body parts of
psychiatric patients washed several times like Wudhu.

Wudhu and Paralysis !
Even the order of washing organs during Wudhu is beneficial.Washing of hands in the first step motivates the nervous system of the body and then slowly effects transmit towards veins of face and brain.
The order of washing hands, then mouth-wash, then nose-wash and then washing of remaining organs reduces probability of paralysis.

Just Keep Doing Good Deeds


You have returned home and you are tired, you have carried groceries required at home....suddenly your mum asks : " have you brought me milk?!"smile and tell her "give me a minute I will go and get you some!"
maybe the prayer she will pray for you �could be the one to save you....!
Your dad says" So and so! Come and take me to the doctor, I have an appointment"...
.you reply "Alright"....He says to you "May Allah bless you.
You are praying, and your baby is playing next to you, and all of a sudden jumps on your back while you are in Sijda position ...
Don't be upset be patient, and prolong your Sijda for that.
You quench a tired worker's thirst by offering glass of cold water ...
You place grains of rice where birds can eat ,
You find dirt along your way and you remove it.
You give left over food to the cats for them to eat.
A person provokes you and you say "May Allah forgive you".
You are reading a verse from the Quran and a tear falls from your eye.
You pass by and find youngsters disobeying Allah, you stop to give them Daawah and counsel them.
You see a woman revealing her beauty, you lower your gaze and make istighfar.
Someone annoys you and you want to punch him then you remember Allah's words.....
And those who hold their anger and forgive people, control your anger and forgive others
You get to know of someone's shameful act and you don't spread that information but keep it to yourself.
I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah alone, he has no associates........
If you save an ant🐜 from drowning in water...then this act won't go in vain in front of Allah SWT. ....
We don't know which small deeds which we don't bear in mind could be the ones to speak for us on the day of judgement!!
�therefore don't look down upon any good deed.
*always keep repeating to yourself in speech of a good deed you intend to do ..... �this could be that which will save you then you will see how your life will be transformed.

10 Tips For Unmarried Sisters


1. Never fail to pray before saying yes to a man.
Don’t be in
a hurry to get married. (Istikhara will do).
If you rush in, you may rush out with a lot of
2. Discover Your Purpose before marriage.
Go To School Or Learn a trade. If possible and
worry not if
Don’t wait for a man before you start living.
Add value to yourself and leave a good life.
3. Don’t run after a man because of his money,
position, talent, or family background.
Marry a man on the basis of his taqwa or
righteousness not
leaving out his Love for u.
4. Develop a healthy eating habit.
You can reduce your fatness through exercise.
It takes discipline to do that.
5. Dress well: First Impression counts.
Don’t expose any of your private part for men to
otherwise you
might only attract a player not a responsible man.
6. Don’t beg or force a man to marry you.
You are too precious to do that.
And don’t try to hook and keep a guy with sex or
Many ladies who do that end up in shame and
7. Your character is your marriage.
It makes a man want to spend the rest of his life
with you.
So Work on your character.
Beauty is not everything.
If it is all you have, you’ll lose your place to
someone more
beautiful and more matured than you.
8. Never fail to learn how to cook good food.
Men usually love a woman who feed them with
good food
one of the easiest way to a man’s heart is through
9. Never fail to read books about marriage and
family before your Nikaah.
The marriage you don’t prepare for will confuse
you when
you get
Attend marriage seminar and premarital counseling
10. Never fail To rely on Allah before Marriage.
A Marriage Without Allah Is Bound To Experience

Everyday Lesson


The Prophet peace be upon him narrated.
"Convey from me, even if its one verse (Ayah)"
Maybe forwarding this message to others can be beneficial for your Intercession on the Day of Judgement.

The punishments of the one who doesn't pray.

The Prophet peace be upon him narrated: "Whoever shows heedlessness (negligence) in praying salat, Allah punishes them with fifteen kinds of punishments"

Six punishments in this lifetime.
Three punishments while dying.
Three punishments in the grave.
Three punishments on the day of Judgment.

Six punishments in this lifetime:
1 - Allah takes away blessings from his age,(makes his life misfortunate)
2 - Allah wipes out the virtues of righteous people from his face.
3 - Allah does not accept his Dua's.
4- He will be detested by all creatures on Earth.
5 - Allah does not award him for his good deeds.
6 - He will not be included in the prayer & Dua's of the righteous.
(good people)

Three punishments while dying.
1- He dies humiliated.
2-He dies hungry.
3- He dies thirsty.
Even if he drinks the water of all the seas, he will still be thirsty.

Three punishments in the grave.
1- Allah tightens his grave until his chest, ribs come over each other.
2- Allah pours on him fire with embers (red colour, hot coal made of immensely heated firewood).
3- Allah sets on him a snake called "The Brave" "The Bold" which rolls all around his body & crushes him.

Three punishments on the day of Judgment.
1- He will be dragged face down over hot burning coal to the hellfire.
2- Allah gives him an angry look that makes the flesh of his face fall down
3- Allah judges him strictly and orders him to be thrown in hell.

Those who do not offer their prayers of:

The glow of their face is taken away.

The blessing of their income is taken away (even if he has millions, he will be poor).

There is no strength in their body.

They are not benefitted by their children.

The peace of their sleep is taken away.

Don't say "0k"
Say "In sha Allah"

Don't say "wow"
Say "SubhanAllah"

Don't say "great"
Say "Masha Allah"

Don't say "I am fine"
Say "Allahamdulillah"

Don't say "Thanks"
Say "Jazakallahu Khair"

Don't say "Take care bye"
Say "Fee Amanillah"

Don't say "Hello"
Say "Assalamu alaikkum Warahmatullah

a beautiful dua for thanking Allah for every moment    "Allah humma inni ala  zikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibadatika"

What A Husband Needs From A Wife Is Never Sex


Sex is an important element in marriage and until there is sexual intercourse between a husband and a wife, the marriage is not yet spiritually recognized.
This shows how important sex is in marriage.
When you look at how aggressive men are towards sex you may think that what a man needs from a woman is sex.
Of course, if he has not married you yet or he does not really intend to marry you what he will need from you is nothing above your body. But if he really intends to marry you or if you guys are already married sex is never what he needs from you - maybe let me say it better;
Many young girls think because they are sexually active and experience they will easily be married and have their husbands loving them.
And when a man approaches for marriage they think the greatest asset they have to show the man is sex.
Others also think once they are giving out their bodies it means they are giving out the best for which reason they will be chosen above all.
There is this young girl who is very beautiful and sexually active. Due to that she thought sex is all that matters to a man.
Ironically, she struggled for long before finally getting married. Her sexual dexterity could not win her the heart of a man until out of the blue and reason beyond imagination a very handsome good man married her.
The wedding was grand and her tears were now gone. Unfortunately only a year after the wedding the marriage fell on rocks. Within five years three different men came her way but none could stay.
The problem was simple. She thought sex was all that matters so she would never submit. But submission is what men need, not sex. It is time for our young ladies to know that when a man is ready to marry he will not look out for a woman who will satisfy his sex drive but a woman who will submit herself to him. Excuse my language, "every woman has vagina but not every woman has humility."
So when you are a humble woman, you are an expensive jewelry. And a man of integrity will fear to lose you.
What does the holy book say, "wife, submit to your husband." The reason is that a man's true love goes out only for a woman who is submissive. Your beauty cannot make another woman ugly but your humility can let him love you above all other women.
Sadly, many young ladies in our days call submission as "control." And you will hear them saying in tiny romantic voices, "As for me I don't want any man to control me oh." If you don't want to submit don't think of marriage because no man in his right sense will offer his love to a woman whose heart is higher than his height, no matter how short he may be.
When a woman bows her knee before a man, the man will automatically bow his heart before her love. And love her sincerely.
There are, of course, recalcitrant men who will not value women of humility but I tell you that every true man does not need sex, but submission. It is submission that truly makes you a romantic wife. So be the QUEEN you want to be but when it comes to dealing with your husband, play the role of a humble maid.
Don't forget that it is the spirit of humility that has caused many maids to hijack their mistresses' husbands. Be your man's queen and be his maid also.
I wish you all the best as you submit in your relationship and marriage. May God bless you with good marriage, my dear mindful.

Mother and Children chat


Daughter: (Coughs out)
Hmmm…It is well o

Mum: (looks up at her, then continues picking her beans) Any gist for momma?

Daughter: (Looks at her) Mum.
I think I am not normal anymore…like, I am sick

Mum: (Chuckles) Sick

Daughter: Because I am over-sensitive. Whenever I see a guy, I have this weird feeling compared to when I meet a girl.
Mum, I get worried often times if I would scale through adolescence without defiling myself

Mum: (Laughs) you are afraid?

Daughter: It seems you don’t understand mum. When I see a guy’s bicep, oh my God! If he mistakenly exposes his abs, then I would almost faint, feeling as if I should run into his strong, muscular arms and be cuddled.

Mum: And so? That’s why you are not normal?

Daughter: (Eyes widens) Mum!

Mum: That shows that you are very normal my baby girl

Daughter: I don’t understand ma

Mum: You fasted recently shae?

Daughter: Yes mum.

Mum: There was on an occasion that I prepared plantain and fried egg for lunch for the family.
How did you feel that day?

Daughter: Mum, it was sensational!
As if I had never tasted dodo before.
I wanted a bite so bad.

Mum: So, why didn’t you get into the kitchen to get yourself some?

Daughter: Mum, I was fasting

Mum: Nice one! Son, can you hear us from there?
Put off the TV please....

Son: Okay mum.

Mum: As an adolescent boy or girl, don’t think it weird when you are attracted to an opposite sex.
His or her stature or the likes might appeal to you.
It shows that you are very normal.
You wouldn’t say, you are abnormal because you can perceive the aroma of dodo while you were fasting.
Would you?

Both: No mum

Mum: All unmarried people in this world are on a sexual fast or at least, that’s how it was supposed to be. Different dodo, juices, fried fish, chicken; Shawarma and the likes would appeal to them clothed in handsome men and beautiful women of different carriage but block your perception!
You are fasting!

Daughter: (nods repeatedly) Hmmm…I am getting it now

Mum: The aroma could be pornography, sexy boys and girls, devilish games and all but be warned, you are what?

Both: Fasting!

Mum: So my daughter, you are as normal as anything.
It means all the parts of your body are responding well but the Qur'an says you should refrain from pre-marital (and extramarital affairs)!
"And do not move near adultery (and fornication) for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils)" Q17v32

Secondly, always try to restrict your gaze. 
Allah instructs both believing men and women to lower their gazes (Q24 vs 30-31)

Daughter: Mum, for real, I can’t thank you enough.
I expected you to shout at me and tie your scarf round your waist, stamping your feet on the floor, saying ‘Omo yi ti pa mi’! But no! You are trustworthy and I can count on you. And that is why mum is our… (Signals to the boy)

Son: Confidant! (Both laugh)

Daughter: Bro, c’mon chop knuckle (They did)

Mum: (Smiles) Blessed children…very very blessed!

Both: Most blessed mother

Mum: But never forget the lessons learnt today
(expects an answer)

Both: We are fasting!

Mum: And lesson two?

Both: Always restrict your gaze

Mum: Yes.
The fast would soon be over and your dish of dodo, freshly prepared with well garnished fried egg with a chilled bottle of refreshing drink would be delivered to you but first, wait!
Say, I will wait

Both: I will wait!

Mum: And Allaah will bless you.

Both: Aameen (They hug their mother and she prays for them)

How To Drink Water


How to drink water ?  As per Sunnah.

The Sunnah way of drinking water is :-

1. Drink water with your right hand.

2. Drink water by sitting.

3. Start drinking water with saying Bismillah

4. See the water before drinking.

5. Drink water in 3 Sips.

6. After finishing say Alhamdulillah

BENEFITS OF SUNNAH OF DRINKING WATER by Sitting and with 3 sips of drinking water.

1. Kidneys never fails.

2. Knees are functional always.

3. Backbone is always strong.

4. Heart Valves never stop.

5. Mind is always active.



You will get there!
All things will finally work together for your good

Route may differ
Check this out!

Mathematical differences

What is my point???

My point is that there are so many ways of getting to a final destination.

Our creator may not take you through the same way He took your mom, dad, friend or colleague

What matters is that He will take you to your destination if you don't give up

At times, you get there by adding things and people in your life

Other times you will get there by subtracting certain things and people.

Other times you may need the multiplying effect of seed, information and relationships...

Other times, division and separation might be inevitable...

"Some of these may not be fun".

When 2 was alone it may not have been comfortable until 5 was added.

What matters is not the (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division)..

The process may differ

But the destination is still the same..

All things will work together for your good and expected end..

Don't give up on the process

You are a tool.
Do not reject your creator when He adds and subtract things

Do not resist
And in the process learn to let go when He subtracts.

Stop crying, lamenting, and drowning in tears of pity and fear of moving on.

Every circumstance is building you for the castle God has prepared for you.

All things will work together for your good
Head or tail you will win

Don't give up on the process
Don't walk away from the game..

The match has already been decided in your favour.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

A question from Allah…to you.


By Mohammed Faris

Stop for a minute.. Slow down.. and don’t skim read this.. Let’s have a real conversation.. About something important..actually someone important.. About you..
“About me?!” you ask? Yes, you.
I am speaking to you. The one who’s reading this. Maybe this is the first time we speak to each other. Maybe you’ve met me before in real life somewhere or read any of my e-mails. But today, I’m speaking directly to you..
I want us both to slow down, pause and think about a question.. This question is not a random question that I came up with on my own, but a question that Allah poses to me, to you, to all of us, in the Quran..
It’s not an easy question and you’ve probably read it hundreds of times, especially that the question occurs in Juz’ Amma which we perhaps memorized when we were kids…
But today, I want you to read the Question as if it was posed directly to you… no, don’t pretend, it is directed to you.. Ready?.. Ok, here goes:
Allah asks you in the Quran: “So where are you going?” 81:26
Close your eyes and think about this question for a minute…and think about Who’s asking..
**Close your eyes..just for a minute and think**
Ok, open them.. “So where are you going?”.. Do you have the answer?.. There are many levels to this question.. but instinctively, you know what this question is about.. Instinctively, you realise that it’s not asking about where you’re going to work or school or university… but asking where are you going with your life..
Where are you heading.. with all the ups/ downs/ hopes/ dreams/ disappointments..the frustrations/anxietieis/excitements.. the missed prayers, missed opportunities to do good, miss behaviour perhaps.. Where are you going with all of this?

Where are you going?..

When I think about this question.. I think about asking it in 6 different areas of my life..and in each area, there are some sub-questions that I pose to myself first and I’m sharing it with you here to start thinking about them too..

So, where are you going with your Islam?

  • What will your Islam look 10 years from now?
  • Will your practice level of your deen be the same 5 years from now?
  • How would you ensure that your practice of Islam grows over time and does not stagnate (or even decline!)?

So, where are you going with your Nafs/Manners/Akhlaq?

  • What negative character traits would you drop in 1 year’s time?
  • What positive character traits would you pick up in 1 year’s time?
  • How close is your manners/akhlaq aligned to how Allah SWT and His Messenger want you to be.. and how would you train yourself to get there?

So, where are you going as a Family?

  • Are you actively planning your family’s well-being in dunya and akhira?
  • Do you have regular discussions with your parents, siblings, spouse, children about where are you going as a family in terms of this world and the next?
  • How can you ensure that you plan as a family without being “too controlling”?

So, where are you going with your Work?

  • Will you be in the same role/position that you’re in now at work 5 years down the line?
  • Are you upgrading your skills/knowledge to acquire higher positions or deserve the promotion by next year?
  • Is this the work/career that you want to be in for the next 10-15 years and will it be meaningful enough for you in the end?
  • What are you planning to do after retirement?

So, where are you going as a Community?

  • Are you connected to your neighbors & local-community – both Muslim and non-Muslim?
  • Are you actively involved in helping improve the community both in small things, e.g. ensure a safe clean neighbourhood. Or big things, e.g. helping your community members be successful in dunya and akhira?
  • How are you planning, interacting, and working with your community so that you all improve?

So, where are you going as an Ummah?

  • What’s your role in the Ummah’s growth?
  • Are you a reason for the Ummah’s success or its failures?
  • What are you contributing towards your Ummah?
These six questions should keep coming to our minds whenever we remember the verse “So where are you going?”..
Is it a lot to think about it?..It is.. However, what’s the alternative?.. Continue to blindly stumble upon life..hoping things work out?..
Don’t think so.. at least that’s not how a ProductiveMuslim should live..
Hope you’re finding this useful.. feel free to share with me your thoughts/ideas.. May Allah bless you and keep you always productive :)

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Why should I Forgive?????



Here's two greatest reasons to forgive. Even if u don't feel like forgiving or someone has hurt u real badly , do it only with these two things in mind & happiness & bliss will be sure to follow, in sha اللّـه  :

by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah alayh)


Allah Ta’ala says:
      “Let them forgive & overlook. Do you not wish that Allah should also forgive you?  Indeed Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Surah An-Noor 24: 22]

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallahu ‘anhu) narrated that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said:
     “He who forgives the faults of a Muslim, Allah will forgive his faults on the Day of Resurrection.”


    "Those who control their anger & are forgiving towards people; Allah loves those who do good." [Surah Aal-Imraan 3: 134]

It is much easier on the heart that we forgive & let the past remain in the past, than hold onto it, carry it with us, & remain unhappy, depressed & miserable. This burden bogs a person down. Many a time, holding onto the past deprives a person of productivity & being able to live life, successfully."

Bearing grudges & holding onto hurt is bad news for ur heart, body & mind. It creates a blockage internally which makes u feel miserable & then manifests itself in sickness & pain.
Do urself a favour - Make ur heart happy, feel light & allow ur goodness to flow through u again. ......forgive.....let it all go...


Saturday 2 April 2016

Couples Satisfaction


When a wife complains of her husband's sexual weakness, I ask her, what have you done to increase his sexual prowess? ?
The kind of food you feed your husband could make him perform soo poorly.
Sex is not an individual responsibility since both of you engage in it and enjoy it. Sex must be enjoyed equally.
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said when making love, do not walk away until you taste her water and she also tastes your water. Meaning you both reach orgasm.
Let me make the long hadith in " shafa-ul-sudur" short, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said, when a wife engage in something or beautify herself to attract her husband, inviting him to bed shall be given 10 rewards, 10 sins wiped and her daraja will be raised.
If this is the case, wives you have a big role to play not by only inviting him to bed but helping him last longer in bed and doing the work very excellent.
Let me remind you of Ginger and dried dates.
Ginger is a powerful natural aphrodisiac, increases sexual prowess, increase libido and makes one stay longer in bed.
Dear wives, when your lovely husband return from work in the evening and after serving his meal, just give him Ginger Juice.
Place ginger into a blender, cover with 1 and half cup of water and blend until ginger is thick and pasty. Strain and squeeze juice from ginger, place it on fire and allow it to heat a little bit then give it to oga to drink. Insha Allah he will climb mountain Everest with ease.
I have a friend who told me after making love to his wife just one round he fell off. Then his wife went to the kitchen, grinned ginger and inserted it into his Anus, that very moment his boneless leg became very hard and he climbed Kalahari mountain twice.
As for dates, make sure you both eat if before taking little of your 3 daily meals, it gives alot of energy and moreover it's sunnah eating dates.
Knowledge must be shared, No shyness In Islam...

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