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Monday 22 October 2018

Cautious Hours




  There are some moments of time that are being cautioned of because of the proneness to the harm of evil geniuses in them more than in others. As we have some times blessed with the quick granting of prayers, there exists some times as well that experienced numerous  activities of the devils . The hours as contained in the lslamic lnjunctions are  as follow:

1- *At the sunset* : The hour Immediately after the sun sets are full of many evil activities. Consequently,  necessary warnings are being given by Allah SWT and His Messnger SAW for absolute protection against the evil attacks:

*عن جابر —رضي الله عنه— قال: قال رسول الله —صلى الله عليه* *وسلم—: "لا ترسلوا فواشيكم وصبيانكم إذا غابت الشمس حتى تذهب* *فحمة العشاء، فإن الشياطين تنبعث إذا غابت الشمس حتى* *تذهب فحمة العشاء"* ( _مسلم: ٢٠١٣_ )

_On the authority of Ja'bir ( May Allah be pleased with Him), he_ _said: The Messanger of Allah (SAW) said: " Do not send your_ _domestic animals and your children out Immediately the sun_ _sets untill the darkness of the first hour of the night will pass ( i.e  when _ _the entire place is enveloped in total darkness.) Certainly, the_ _devils usually troop out when sun sets till the passage of the_  _first hour of darkness._

2- *At the earlier rising of the sun:* lt is illegalised in the lslamic lnjunctions to make prostration before Allah SWT in this time except in some rear cases, as the Pagans were found of making prostration to the sun (in worshipping) at that time:

" *صل صلاة الصبح ثم أقصر عن الصلاة حتى تطلع الشمس حتى ترتفع* ، *فإنها تطلع حين تطلع بين قرنى شيطان وحينئذ يسجد لها* *الكفار* ... " (مسلم:٨٣٣)

_Pray Subh prayer( morning prayer) and abstain from any_ _prostration afterward till the sun will rise completely, because_ _the sun emerges during its rising time  between the two horns_ _of Shaytan. And at this time ( of its rising) the pagans_  _prostrate to it in worshipping... "_

3- *When the sun is at the overhead:*

*".... ثم صل فإن الصلاة محضورة مشهودة حتى يستقل الظل بالرمح* ، **ثم أقصر عن الصلاة فإنه حينئذ تسجر جهنم* ...( _المرجع نفسه_  )

.... _then you should pray afterward, verily the prayer is being witnessed by the angels and being recorded by them at the_ _range of the time till the shadow will be at spear's lenght._ _Subsequently, you should refrain from the prayer by the_ _passage of that time, certainly the hell fire is being inflammed_ 

4- *Time between Asr and Magrib Prayer:*

*"....فإذا أقبل الفيئ فصل، فإن الصلاة مشهودة محضورة حتى تصلي* *العصر، ثم اقصر عن الصلاة حتى تغرب الشمس فإنها تغرب بين قرنى* *شيطان وحينئذ يسجد لها الكفار* " _( المرجع نفسه_ )

....  _And pray when there is cast of shadow, certainly the prayer_ _is being witnessed and recorded by the angels till you will  observe Asr prayer. Afterward, refrain from prayer till the sun set. Definitely, the sun sets between the two horns of Shaytan, and at this time some unbelievers prostrate to it in worshipping_ .

5- *At the brayn of Donkey:*

Beware of this time as  Shaytan is being sighted by the animal.

*عن أبي هريرة —رضي الله عنه— أن رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وسلم* ) *قال : " إذا سمعتم نهيق الحمار فتعوذوا بالله من الشيطان،* *فإنها رأت شيطانا، وإذا سمعتم صياح الديكة* *فاسألوا الله من فضله* ، *فإنها رأت ملكا" ( متفق عليه* )

_On the authority of_ _Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with_ _him, certainly the Messanger of Allah SAW said : If you hear the brayn ( sound made by the donkey) of donkey seek the Protection of Allah against the evil of Shaytan, definitely it sees Shaytan. But if you hear the crowing of a cock seek Allah for His Blessing, surely it sees an angel_ .

6- *At the midnight:*

The numerous Prophetic Traditions proclaiming the protection before going to bed at night and others are in line in alerting us about the evil at these hours of time.

*عن أبي هريرة  رضي الله عنه أن الشيطان قال له : إذا أويت إلى* *فراشك فاقرأ آية الكرسي : ( الله لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم...) فإنه لا* *يزال عليك من الله حافظ، ولا يقربك شيطان حتى تصبح، فقال النبي* *(ص) " صدقك وهو كذوب، ذاك الشيطان* "

_On the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with_ _him, certainly Shaytan said to him : lf you want to go to your bed_ _by night read Ayatul Kursiyy ,_ _and surely, Allah_ _SWT will_ _always be at your Protector_ , _and no devil will come near  you_ _till the day_ break._

7— *At the time of angry:*

Angry mood is being induced by Shytan and the  experience has revealed that the demons do normally seize this opportunity to entire human body, therefore making the risk of being attacked by the evil geniouses  almost opened to us at this moment of time. However, it is advised that one should be careful and prayerful when being furious. And the Prophet SAW said to one of his companions upon seing his face turned red while  having quarrel with his brother:

*" تعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم* " ( متفق عليه)

_Seek Allah's Protection against Shaytan the cursed._

8— *At the time of using toilet or excretion:*

  It is being enjoined of Muslims to always seek Allah's Protection upon going to the toilet or when about to excrete as the time is being characterised by many evil plot by shaytan and his followers. And it was reported that the Prophet SAW used to say this when about to excrete:

" *اللهم إنى أعوذ بك من الخبث والخبائث* " ( *صحيح* : _صحيح_ _الجامع— ٣٦١١_ )

_O Allah! I seek Your Refuge from the evil of the female and_ _male jinn_ .

9— *At the barking of dog:*

Some barking of dogs are being triggered by their sighting of strange beings like devil. Therefore, we need to seek Allah's Protection whenever we hear it.

*عن جابر ، رضي الله عنه، أن رسول الله (ص) قال : إذا سمعتم نباح* *الكلاب، ونهيق الحمير بالليل فتعوذوا بالله منهن، فإنهن يرين ما لا* *ترون" (صحيح : أبو داود—٥١٠٣* ) 

_On the authority of Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, certainly, the Messanger of Allah SAW said: lf you hear the_ _barking of dogs and the brayn of donkey by night you should_ _seek Allah's Protection against them because they see what_ _are being invisible to your vision._

*Notice* : Shaytan and the evil people always seize the opportunity of some of these hours mentioned above for their attack because many people are being found to be at relaxation, and there is drastic reduction in the rate of  many religious activities at that particular period of time. Therefore, necessary cautions need to be taken and with prayers so as not to fall prey to their attacks. And we should not discount some alerting sounds being made by  some animals, as they help in informing us about the presence of evil ones. Prevention is better than cure May Allah SWT always be our Protector against any evil assault.
By Abdulquddus Muhammadulawwal

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