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Tuesday 1 May 2018

Muslim --- Mumin


*ARE You Aspiring to be A MUMINN? or you JUST want to be A MUSLIM?*

*Muminn is apparently different  from Muslim.*

       *Y E S*

*Muminn is a Muslim. But NOT all Muslims ARE Muminn.*

           *Y E S*

*Mumin is one who has attained the PEAK in DARAJA {status} due to his/her good deeds ((total obedience to Allah)).*

*Below are the first 10 verses of suratul Muminoon*
سورت المومنون
*Suratul muminun...Is one of  the chapters ((surah)) of d holy Qur'an.*

*Verse 1* 👇🏿

قدافلح المومنون
*Certainly will be believers have succeeded.*

*Verse 2* 👇🏿

الذين هم في صلاتهم خاشعون
*They who are during their prayer humbly submissive*

*Verse 3* 👇🏿

والذين هم عن اللغو معر ضون
*And they who turn away from ill speach ((useless speach))*

*Verse 4* 👇🏿

والذين هم للزكات فاعلون
*And they who are observant of zakah*

*Verse 5* 👇🏿

والذين هم لفروجهم حا فظون
*And they who guard their PRIVATE PART.*

*Verse 6* 👇🏿

الا على ازواجهم اوما ملكت ا يما نهم فا نهم غير ملو مين.
*Except from their WIVES or those their right hands possess,, for indeed, they will not be blamed.*

*Verse 7* 👇🏿

فمن ابتغى وراء ذللك فا و ليك هم العادون
*But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors.*

*Verse 8* 👇🏿

والذين هم لا ما نا تهم و عهدهم راعون
*And they who are to their trusts and their promises attentive.*

*Verse 9* 👇🏿

والذين هم على صلواتهم يحا فظون.
*And they who carefully maintain their prayers.*

*Verse 10* 👇🏿

اوليك هم الوارثون.
*Those are the inheritors of jannah.*

*Now, from the above 10 verses of this surah, you will ALL believe with me that, ALL MUMINN IS A MUSLIM,, but NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE MUMINN.*

*Summary of the lessons and reflections from the above verses::--*

*1. Only those who believe with ALLAH SWT in deeds and actions will succeed in this world and the hearafter;*

*2. In our salaat,, we should be humbly submissive::--*

*(a) We should not delay our salaat for reasons that are not seriously genue and acceptable to do so...*

*(b) We {men} should not perform salaat at home for reasons that are not seriously genue and acceptable to do so.. Praying in congregation is what is ALLAH SWT and prophet Muhammad SAW admonished for men.. Stop praying ALONE at home, office, market etc.*

*(c). Don't rush ur salaat for any reason. The highest duration each swalaat can take u, will not be morethan 15-20minutes.. Y rushing?*

*(d). Seek knowledge about dos and donts on swalaat so that u don't lose rewards of performing swalaat.*

*3. Majority of UMMAH (Muslims) today will be punished as a result of the way and manner they use their TONGUES.. {{Prophetic saying}}:--*

*--Evaluate anything u want to voice out so that u don't INVITE Allah's anger and punishment. eg,, Backbiting, slandering, all manner of Quills and Qualls talk:*

*-- When u discuss anyone in his/her absent, is a SIN,, even if it is that person's character... And when u discuss anyone in his/her absent,, but  happen NOT to be that person's character, it is the greatest SIN.*

*4. We should guard our private parts from commiting zina {{Adultery and Funication}}. Majority of UMMAH (Muslims) will be pushed into hellfire for this reason*

*5. We should keep to trusts and promises, if we want to be a true believer {Muminn}*

*6. For those ALLAH SWT blesses with wealth,, payment of zakaat is compulsory.*

*If u can not be obedient 100% as a servant of Allah,,, then,, try NOT to go below 80-85%,, so that u will be shortlisted among the INHERITORS of jannah as promised by Allah in the 10th verse above.*

*May Allah SWA guide us to the right path. A path of a Muminun {believers}.*

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا اله الاانت استغفرك وأتوب إليك

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