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Thursday 11 January 2018

Pleasure Of The Night


*Pleasure of the Night*

It was the practice of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, to stop teaching a student of knowledge who does not pray in the night.
Abu Ismah spent the night at his home one day and Imam Ahmad brought him water for ablution. When he came to wake him before the adhaan of Fajr, he found Abu Ismah asleep and the water unused. He then woke him and asked: O Abu Ismah, what has brought you?
He replied: I came to learn the Hadith.
Imam Ahmad said: how can you learn Hadith while you do not do tahajjud at night?! Go back where you came from.

Imam Ash Shafi'ee used to say: a scholar is supposed to have some special good deed that is strictly between and Allaah.

And Aliyu bin Bakkar said: for forty years nothing will make me sad except the coming of the dawn.
Fudhail bin Iyaadh said: I take pleasure in the darkness to be alone with my Lord, and when night ends I become sad because people will interrupt me.

Abu Sulaiman Ad Daaraany said: the people of the night (prayer) in their nights find more pleasure than that found by sports fans in their sports, and were it not for the night (prayer) I will not wish to remain in this world.

Ibn Al Munkadir: nothing of pressure remains on earth except 3 - standing in the night, meeting brothers, and prayer in congregation.
One of the scholars said: the coming of the night for the devotees is like the gown of Yusuf on the eyelids of Yaqub

The night prayer is a solace and an enjoyment unknown to all except those who draw close.
[He who tastes understands,
   And he who understands becomes enamored]
Ya Allaah, make us to be among them!

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