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Monday 28 March 2016

From Heart To Heart : Hearken


From Heart to Heart: Hearken

By Sulaiman Badamasi

I hope this serves as a clarion hark-back to all Muslim brethren and makes them bethink about a seemingly ignored/forgotten implication. The piece aims at shading light on the gravity of making unguarded tendentious comments on issues that have to do with Islam, Shari'ah, Law and constitution. It has become a habit of some brothers to comment on everything, especially the self-paraded, ad hoc, overnight #activists, who feel omniscient about all that exists.

NOTE: It is important to note that the viewpoint of the present writer is Islam (Qur'an, Hadith and Ijma').

Many a times, we roll our pen-balls or move our jaw on stuffs that are better left unsaid.  As we strive to correct, we cause more damage. We sin as we strive to earn more rewards. The Messenger (P.B.U.H) says, "One of you would utter a word in which he sees nothing wrong, but it (the word) drags him a distance of 70 years into the hell fire " (Bukhari and Muslim)

Many aspiring activists do get it very wrong by thinking that activism is only when one is against one's people, religion or culture. Thus, some think that one must be either against Islam or its particular teaching or practice. If a Muslim wrongs, it becomes a topic, but if a non Muslim does the same thing, only a few talks about it.

Taking Yunusa Yellow versus Esse Oruru scenario as an example, at the wake of the incidence, voices troop in in bunches condemning the union between the spouses who are 18 & 17 years old respectively and calling for former's prosecution and #JusticeForEsse. The same cry-wolf has never been heard when a father from Esse Oruru's Bayelsa state rapes own biological daughter, impregnates her and forcefully aborted the pregnancy. The Guardian newspaper reports:

"Abused, raped, impregnated and having the pregnancy forcefully aborted by her own biological father, a 12-year-old girl in Bayelsa State (name withheld) is presently battling for her life, as injuries she suffered from the unsuccessful process of abortion is threatening her life. The incident took place in Imirigi, Ogbia Council.The Guardian learnt that her father constantly and repeatedly raped the girl until she became pregnant. When the father learnt of her condition, he quickly handed her over to her lady friend, who took her through an unsuccessful process of abortion that left her with severe injuries, leading to constant bleeding from her private part."

Funny enough, none of the self-acclaimed phantom activists among the Muslims was seen condemning the act and the non Muslims too did not care to talk the talk. This alone should teach our folks how not to make themselves exploitable tools to be used against their religion - Shall they learn the lesson?

"To fight own religion?" Yes! Islamically, it's not the age that determines whether a girl is ripe for marriage, rather by becoming an adult. In other words, whenever a girl attains puberty, her hand can be sought in marriage irrespective of her age. Scientifically proven, the age at which a girl's transition to maturity starts from is 10. Quoting from Wikipedia encyclopedia, "Puberty is the process of physical changes through which a child 's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction to enable fertilization" and "On average, girls begin puberty around ages 10-11; boys around ages 11-12. Girls usually complete puberty around ages 1517, while boys usually complete puberty around ages 1617."

From the quote above, we may learn that it's not the law or any constitution that determines the age of marriage/sex, rather individual's body system. Because the moment a girl attains puberty, the urge for sexual intercourse begins to arise. Do not we think that by preventing them, we deprive them the right to satisfaction?

However, some still argue that, a girl can attain maturity but her body might not be mature enough for conceiving/delivery and that under 18 marriage increases the chances of getting  Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF).

But the 12 year old Bayelsa girl conceived and it was not the pregnancy that causes her problem, rather her private part was physically tempered with on the process of abortion. Thus, mothers of many that espouse against marriage at the age below 18 were married off as under 18s. So, if they still call the union a "rape" as they fondly do, that means the process through which they exist was also a "RAPE" and they should call for their fathers' prosecution.

On the allegation that under 18 marriage causes VVF, I seek permission to disagree in case of Nigeria, because Ebonyi state is ranked the highest in VVF cases in Nigeria (See: Ebonyi tops in VVF cases  - USAID -Daily Trust:, yet under 18 marriage is more practiced in northern Nigeria.

©Sulaiman Badamasi,,
28th March, 2016.

Friday 18 March 2016

Beware when you notice all this in your life


Beware!  When prayer becomes a difficult thing for you.

Beware!  When fasting is becoming a history in your spiritual timetable.

Beware! When you no longer enjoy reading the word of Allah.

Beware! When attending Mosque programme is becoming a burden rather than a blessing for you.

Beware! When living a life of holiness is appearing like extremism.

Beware! When you crave for earthly things rather than the things of God.

Beware! When waking up in the night to pray is becoming a thing of the past.

Beware! brethren, when your heart no longer desires  to hear the word of God.
Beware! when you eat more than praying,

Beware! when you no longer share the word with others

Beware! of all these, brethren, Satan isn't resting. We too must be vigilant.

Beware! When you spend more time on Facebook, whatsapp, twitter, and internet. These things become idols and take the place of God.
Lets prepare to be a better muslim !!!

May Allah have mercy and help us !!!

Beware when you notice all this in your life



Beware!  When prayer becomes a difficult thing for you.

Beware!  When fasting is becoming a history in your spiritual timetable.

Beware! When you no longer enjoy reading the word of Allah.

Beware! When attending Mosque programme is becoming a burden rather than a blessing for you.

Beware! When living a life of holiness is appearing like extremism.

Beware! When you crave for earthly things rather than the things of God.

Beware! When waking up in the night to pray is becoming a thing of the past.

Beware! brethren, when your heart no longer desires  to hear the word of God.

Beware! when you eat more than praying,

Beware! when you no longer share the word with others

Beware! of all these, brethren, Satan isn't resting. We too must be vigilant.

Beware! When you spend more time on Facebook, whatsapp, twitter, and internet. These things become idols and take the place of God.

Lets prepare to be a better muslim !!!

May Allah have mercy and help us !!!



Whom to love?

1) WORLD ?

It makes us cry,


They die soon.


It beaks relationship.


It makes us fall upside down,


it belongs to time.



Then whom should we love ?

MUHAMMAD (Peace n blessings of Allah b upon Him). Who'll b with us when our parents forget about their children ( day of judgement)

Try to send this message
👉remember me in ur prayers ( dua)

"AAKHIRAT" (JUDGEMENT DAY) "question PAPERS" leak out

   Section (A)

  Section (B)
  "Day of judgement"

In Section "A"  there are 3  Questions

Q1.who is ur God?
Q2.which is ur religion?
Q3.who is ur messenger?

Section "B"  5 Questions

Q1. Where u spent ur life?
Q2. How u spent ur Youthful age?
Q3. How did u earn money?
Q4. Where u spent de money?
Q5. How did u use de knowledge u acquired in de world?
Whoever has these questions, start preparing and ask others to prepare, no one knows when the exam might START !!!

In the QURAN there are 4 Masjid( mosques) named
1. Masjid e HARAM
2. Masjid e AQSA
3. Masjid e QUBA
4. Masjid e DHARAR
In the QURAN there are names of 3 cities .....

In the QURAN there r 4 mountains named


In the QURAN there r  4  minerals named

1. SONA( gold)
2. CHANDI(silver)
4. LOHA(iron)

In the QURAN there r 4 vegetables named...

1. PIYAZ(onion)
2. LAHSUN(garlic)
3. KAKRI(cucumber)
4. SAAG(spinach)
In the QURAN there r 3 plants named

1. KHAJOOR( dates)
2. ZAITOON(olive)
3. BERI(berry)
In the QURAN thrre r  4 birds named ..

3. KAUWA(crow)

Forward this beautiful Information to all Muslims...!!
🍁 Allah examine us by giving us everything and also  by taking away everything  🍁

🍀 poor struggles to have food, rich struggles to digest food🍃
🍀bad thing makes us happy but not satisfied🍃

🍀 don't think bad about anyone, who knows he may be dearer to Allah more than u are🍃

🍀 1 parent can take care of 7 children but 7 children can't take care of 1 parent🍃

🍀 due to fear of diseases man can leave food but due to fear of day of judgement he can't leave bad things🍃

🍀 A person hears good things from islam and does not feel necessary to pass it on to others or apply in his own life 🍃Aamin thumma Aamin

🍀 by reading one ruku of quran everyday we can finish reciting the Quran 3 time in a year🍃

Thursday 17 March 2016



A lot of Muslims think it will be SO EASY to say the Shahaadah when they die. So many of us think it will be a PIECE OF CAKE.

Let's test yourself this:

When you fall down or trip what comes out of your mouth?
When you drop something & it breaks what do you say?
When your child spills all their food on the carpet, what do do you say?
When someone overtakes you or cuts across your way, what do you say?
When someone takes your parking spot?

Do you say, 'بسم الله' or 'أستغفر الله' ,'لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ' or 'سبحان الله'?
Do you say "Whoops" "Oh Sugar"?

Do you start swearing uncontrollably?
Do you use a foul word?
Or resort to curses?

So in this Dunya while your 100% awake & alert you cannot control your tongue, the first thing that rolls off your tongue is a SWEAR word.


Set a good example. Everytime something happens, make sure the words of Allah roll off your tongue.
If you swear or curse in front of your children, they will also imitate you. So set a good example for your children as well.

May Allah grant us the ability to die with the Shahaadah on our lips - Ameen

Wednesday 16 March 2016



'Read carefully, take benefit and pray for yourself and the entire Ummah.

The messenger salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam visited a man from among the Muslims who had fallen severely ill and he asked him, “Did you used to ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for anything specific?”

He replied, “I used to say: ‘Oh Allah, whatever you were going to punish me with in the hereafter, punish me with it in this world instead.’”

He salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam said, “Glory be to Allah, you can't bear that, would you not say: ‘Oh Allah, bring us good in this world, and good in the hereafter, and save us from the torment of the fire’?”

It is said that Yusuf 'alayhi salaam, after being in prison for a long while, said, “Oh my Lord, you have placed in prison for a long period of time."

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala responded, “You asked for prison so we gave you (prison), and had you asked for well-being we would have granted you well-being.”

It is mentioned in the Qur’an as the speech of Yusuf 'alayhi salaam: “Oh my Lord, prison is more beloved to me than that which they (the wife of the Azeez and the women of the city) call me to.”

Recall, how many times you have uttered something similar?

Imam Al-Mawirdi said, “Your trials are a consequence of that which you utter.”

Be careful with your words, be careful with what your tongues utter, because you will be confronted with what you say. Therefore, choose the best in what you seek from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and ask Him to give it to you in this world and the next.

In a story which Sheikh Ali At-Tantawi narrates, he says: 'I was a judge in Syria, and it so happened that a group of us were spending the night with one of our friends when I suddenly found it difficult to breathe and felt severely suffocated.

I sought permission from my companions to leave but they insisted that I stay the night with them. But I couldn’t, and I told them I want to take a walk and inhale some fresh air. I left them, walking by myself in the dark, whereupon I heard the sound of someone weeping and praying coming from behind a small hill.

I looked and found a woman who appeared to be in distress and misery. She was crying effusively and praying sincerely to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

I approached her and asked, “What is it that is making you cry, my sister?”

She replied, “My husband is a harsh and unjust man. He threw me out of the house, took my children and swore I will never see them again, and I have nobody and no place to go to.”

“Why don’t you take this to a judge?” I asked.

She continued to cry profusely, “How can a woman like me approach a judge?”'

The sheikh completed the story, crying, 'The woman says all of this but does not realise that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala had dragged a judge (meaning himself) by the neck to take him directly to her!'

Glory be to Allah! Who ordered him to leave in the darkness of the night? To stop directly in front of her with his two feet and ask her, he himself (as a judge), about her needs?

What supplication did this simple, poor woman make to have it answered with this speed and in this manner?

Oh you who feels distress and misery, who thinks that the world has become dark around him, just raise your hands to the sky, and do not say “How can my problems be solved?”

Rather, humble yourself in front of He who hears the footsteps of the smallest ant.

Be certain, be certain that there is something awaiting you after your patience.

Indeed, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala does not trial you with anything except that there is good in it for you, even if you were certain of the opposite.

Soften your heart and be glad.

Were it not for trials and tribulations, Yusuf 'alayhi salaam would have been spoiled on his father’s lap, but with trials and tribulations he became the Azeez of Egypt.

Do you still feel distress and misery after knowing this?

Be upon certainty that there is something awaiting you after your patience, something which will delight you and make you forget completely the bitterness of all pain.

Oh Lord, whoever opens this message or hears it, open for him the blessings of the provision of the heavens, of the heavens and the earth, and whoever spreads it among His servants, admit him into paradise without reckoning and punishment, and dispel, oh Lord, his worries and anxiety.' Aameen. Wassalaamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullaah.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Ya, Allah cleanse our heart pls....


Do Not Marry 7 Types Of Women!!

1. Al-Annaanah:

The woman who whines, moans and complains and ‘ties a band around her head’ all the time (i.e. complains of a headache or some illness but in reality she is not sick, rather she is faking).

2. Al-Mannaanah:

The woman who bestows favours, gifts, etc. upon her husband then (at that time or the future) says; “I did such and such for you or on your behalf or because of you.

3. Al-Hannaanah:

The women who yearns or craves for her former husband or children of the former husband.

4. Kay’atul-Qafaa:

The women who has a brand mark on the nape of her neck (i.e. has a bad reputation or doubts about her).

5. Al-Haddaaqah:

The women who cast her eyes at things (i.e. always looking at something to purchase, then desires it and requires her husband to buy it (No Matter What).

6. Al-Barraaqah:

The women who spends much of her day enhancing her face and beautifying it to such an extent that it will seem like it was manufactured.

7. Al-Shaddaaqah:

The woman who talks excessively…

[Taken from the Book: ‘A Concise Manual of Marriage’ by Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen]

Monday 14 March 2016

Existence of the creator


Incident of Imam Shaafi‘ee (rahimahullah) and an Atheist

An atheist once asked Imaam Shaafi‘ee (rahimahullah) to prove the existence of the creator, Allah Ta‘ala. Imaam Shaafi‘ee (rahimahullah) answered, “Look at the leaves of the mulberry tree. The color, taste, smell, composition and properties of every leaf are the same. Despite being exactly the same, when consumed by the silk worm, silk is produced. When visited by the bee, honey is produced. When consumed by the goat, dung is produced and when consumed by the musk deer, musk is produced. Only the design of a creator who is eternal and all powerful could cause so many diverse things to be produced from one substance. Otherwise, logic would demand that the end product of all be the same as the substance which entered all was the same.”
(‘Aqaa’id-ul-Islaam page.42)

Sunday 13 March 2016



Sadaqa is not only related to money, Infact these things are also considered as Sadaqa.

1. Dua
2. Knowledge.
3. Advice.
4. To smile at your Muslim brother or sister
5. Help.
6. Time.
7. Tarbiyyah.
8. Patience over difficult times.
9. To advise for good.
10. To stop from evil.
11. To talk softly.
12. To forgive.
13. To give respect.
14. To be a part of someone's happiness.
15. To visit the sick.
16. To remove harmful things from the path.
17. To guide someone on the right way.

Friday 11 March 2016

Jummah Message


"A friend will not (literally) share your struggles, and a loved one cannot physically take away your pain, and a close one will not stay up the night on your look after yourself, protect it, nurture it...and don't give life's events more than what they are really worth...Be certain that when you break no one will heal you except you, and when you are defeated no one will give you victory except your determination...your ability to stand up again and carry on is your responsibility...Do not look for your self worth in the eyes of people; look for your worth from within your conscious...if your conscious is at peace then you will ascend high...and if you truly know yourself then what is said about you won't harm you.

Do not carry the worries of this life... because this is for Allah...and do not carry the worries of sustenance because it is from Allah...and do not carry the anxiety for the future because it is in the Hands of Allah...

Carry one thing: How to Please Allah. Because if you please Him, He Pleases you, fulfils you and enriches you. Do not weep from a life that made your heart weep...just say "oh Allah...compensate me with good in this life and the hereafter".

Sadness departs with a sajdah...happiness comes with a sincere du'a...Allah Does Not forget the good you do...nor Does He Forget the good you did to others and the pain you relieved them from...Nor Will He Forget the eye which was about to cry but you made it laugh...

Live your life with this principle: Be good even if you don't receive good...not because of other's sake but because Allah Loves the good doers".
Subhanallah 🌷

😃 As-Salamu-Alaikum &
Barka Jumah

Saturday 5 March 2016

Continuation of Hadith 10



The verses above and this  hadith  imply the following beneficial and useful rulings:

-The money that the Muslims earn  must be pure and legal.

-The food that is consumed must be lawful  (halal). 

- The money with which a person buys food must  be lawful, coming from lawful sources. 

-These are the keys for acceptance of our deeds by Allah. 

-Whether something is permissible or prohibited  is by the will of Allah. He explains, guides and tells us what are permissible and what are not. It is mentioned in the Qur’an that some people have wrongfully made something unlawful when actually Allah has made it lawful, and vice versa. It is actually  Allah’s right to make things lawful and unlawful. 

- Earning and consuming lawful things are  important conditions for acceptance of our supplications  (du’a) by Allah.


1. With respect to Charity;

charity (sadaqah) is only accepted by  Allah if it is from lawful sources. This is based on “Allah is pure and only accepts what is pure”. Wealth that is obtained from unlawful sources should not be given as  sadaqah  or used in performing any form of worship like performing the Haj. An example  is when a person steals money and uses it to perform the Haj. In this context, Ibn Abbas said: “Filth does not expiate filth”.

2. With respect to Stolen money;

if  somebody stole money, then it must be returned and not be given away as  charity. This is particularly applicable in the case of a person wanting to repent  (taubah)  after stealing the money.
The person needs to return the money to the owner. If this is not possible, like if the owner is not known or cannot be found, then according to some scholars it can be used for public benefit like roads.

3.With respect to Public belongings such as the property of a company, organization or an institution;

This is an important issue and must be observed because public belongings that are wrongfully taken are considered  ghalul  (a kind of stealing or taking something illegally), a practice which are not expiated even by Jihad in the way of Allah until one pays them back. This is related  in a  hadith  about a martyr who took  a small portion of the booty of the war. Today, many Muslims take this issue of  ghalul  for granted. For example, taking paper and pen from the office for personal use. Another example is the personal use of the photocopy machine, company car, telephone, company money  or any other instrument without getting the permission from the authority. We will also be held  responsible if we damage or vandalise public property/belongings. 

A good example of protecting oneself from  ghalul  is one set by Khalifah Umar bin Abdulaziz when he used one candle for his administration duties and put it out upon completion of his duties. He would then use his personal candle.
We need to learn from this example of how we should use things in the way they are allocated for. For example, we need to turn off the lights and the air-conditioner when we leave the office and save the electricity bill of the company/organization. By doing this, we will be rewarded by Allah and Allah will respond to our  du’a. We need to create awareness among the Muslims  to be more responsible and not to indulge in ghalul.

May d almighty Allah make it easy for us to always do d right thing nd not what is easy.👏🏾Aameen
[3/5, 7:30 PM] Bro Amo: CONTEMPORARY ISSUE:

A contemporary issue related to this  hadith  is about caring what we eat, in terms of two things;

* To be aware of the ingredients of the food in  the restaurant or  packed/canned foods, especially if they are imported. We need to ensure that they are lawful. 

*  Many of the things that people eat may cause  health problems. We need to be more aware about the healthy aspects of the food, that they are ‘pure’. Universities may need to introduce health education so that people can know what the good foods are. They need to be aware of preservatives, colouring and chemical used in the food. Harmful contents are not ‘tayyiban’ (pure).


Scholars mentioned that whatever we eat affects  our attitude and behaviour. We need to eat the right food (at-Tayyib) and in the right manners  (adab)  as prescribed by Islam - e.g. not to eat excessively.
By observing these issues, if Allah  wills, it will lead us to be  better Muslims with a better level of Iman and purer heart devoting to  Allah. Then everything that we do can be described as ‘at-tayyib’.
This condition is attained by those who observe the manners, earning, drinking, eating the  ‘tayyib’ and giving  charity from the ‘tayyib’. We will then be the ‘tayyibun’, pure and blessed by Allah.


May Allah in His infinite mercy help us to REMEMBER HIM, to THANK HIM & to WORSHIP HIM excellently by granting us SINCERITY both in words & actions and also in our quest towards becoming "at-tayyibun"-the pure ones

👏🏾 Aameen thuma Aameen! ! !

Pls let's not also forget to always pray to Allah when we have no doubt of it being ACCEPTED & dis periods as
mentioned by other  hadiths  are as follows:

1.during travelling, 


3. prostration,

4. rainfall and

5. during the last third of the night.

These chances need to be observed so as not to be missed by the people going through these occasions
   This is d end of d little I can say &I seek ALLAH's forgiveness of my sins and yours. May d peace of almighty Allah be upon us all. 👏🏾 Aameen


Hadith 10 An Nawawi's Collection


       In the name of Allah, the most Gracious & the most Merciful,  all thanks & adorations are due to almighty Allah.
     May HIS endless blessings be upon the last & final messenger Mohammed (S.A.W), his household, companions & the followers of his guidance till the day of reckoning.👏🏾Aameen

My fellow brothers and sisters in ISLAM, I great You with the best greetings:
As-Salamu-Alaikum- waramatullahi-wabarakatum

Today I will be taking us through hadith 10 of our book- "commentary of An-Nawwawi"

Hadith 10:

Abu Hurairah,  radiyallahu  'anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah,  sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said:

“Verily Allah the Exalted is pure. He  does not accept but that which is pure. Allah commands  the believers with what He commanded the Messengers. Allah the Almighty has said: "O you Messengers! Eat of the good things and act righteously" [23:51-53]. And Allah the Almighty also said: "O you who believe! Eat of the  good things that We have provided you with"
       Then he (the Prophet) mentioned (the case of) the man who,  having journeyed far, is dishevelled and dusty and who stretches out his hands to the sky (saying): "O Lord! O Lord!"  (while) his food was unlawful, his drink was unlawful, his clothing was  unlawful, and he is nourished with unlawful things, so how can he be answered?”
        The term "Verily Allah the Exalted is pure" means  Allah has all the attributes of perfection and completeness, free from any kind of  shortcomings, weaknesses or needs. As for "He does not accept but that which is pure", the  hadith  refers to all good deeds. Allah does not accept any deeds that are spoilt by any aspects that may ruin it. For example, the deed must be free  from showing-off to others and in  the case that involves  wealth then the wealth must come from legal sources. Allah commanded the Believers (Mu'minin) in  the same manner as He commanded the Messengers: "O Messengers! Eat of the Tayyibat" [Surah Al-Mu'minun (23): ayat 51] "O you who believe!  Eat  of the Tayyibat that We  have provided you with, .." [Surah Al-Baqarah (2): ayat 172]

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